My expectations are that this course will help me sharpen my professional awareness. I intend to combine my academic training, personal virtues, and experience. The growth from this course will enhance my career goals in Family Nurse Practitioner roles.
My intention in pursuing a course related to my career is to identify opportunities for professional development. Therefore, while I acknowledge that I have made substantial progress, my career mandates continual development. According to Benner’s novice to expert theory, continual learning and experience for practitioners are vital for development (Nyikuri, Kumar, English, & Jones, 2020). I believe that the lessons from this course will contribute to my career path.
My primary strength is my belief in the value of engaging others in pursuing personal development. I understand that my development is not solely based on academic training. Instead, I also insist on inquiring from others to enhance my knowledge and abilities. This position draws on Putri and Sumartini’s (2021) emphasis on the value of peer learning among nurses. Hence, this willingness to utilize learning experiences means I can capitalize on all opportunities around me to promote my development.
However, my primary weakness is that my interpersonal skills need improvement. Kwame and Petrucka (2021) note that nurses need this ability to attend to different clients optimally. Such a requirement is especially vital in my path to becoming a Family Nurse Practitioner since I will have to interact with diverse clients. Failure to advance my skills in this area will undermine my professional achievements and ability to assist all patients.
This course’s goals and objectives on nursing competencies will be crucial for my career as a Family Nurse Practitioner. I believe that understanding these guidelines will set a good foundation for what this profession expects of me. As a result, I will be better suited to providing the best possible care for different patients. In addition, this foundation paves the way for better integration of course lessons into professional and personal development.
The course offers a promising learning platform. Its objectives align with my career path to becoming a Family Nurse Practitioner. The lessons learned will also alleviate my challenges and weaknesses in my professional development.
Kwame, A., & Petrucka, P. M. (2021). A literature-based study of patient-centered care and communication in nurse-patient interactions: Barriers, facilitators, and the way forward. BMC Nursing, 20(1), 1-10. DOI:10.1186/s12912-021-00684-2
Nyikuri, M., Kumar, P., English, M., & Jones, C. (2020). “I train and mentor, they take them”: A qualitative study of nurses’ perspectives of neonatal nursing expertise and its development in Kenyan hospitals. Nursing Open, 7(3), 711–719. DOI:10.1002/nop2.442