NR361 Course Project Milestone 2 Template Chamberlain College of Nursing NR361 


Name: Laura Mohler

Approved Patient Scenario

Patient Name: Dottie

Patient Details:

  • Age: 60 years old
  • Living Situation: Resides at home with her husband
  • Medical History:
    • Suffered a lower back injury ten months ago leading to chronic pain and severe mobility issues
    • Unable to work due to her condition
    • Husband works longer hours, leaving her alone for extended periods
  • Diet and Lifestyle:
    • Relies on microwave meals, sandwiches, and processed foods due to inability to stand for long periods
    • Leads a sedentary lifestyle, spending most of her time sitting in a recliner watching movies
    • Aware that sedentariness contributes to obesity
  • Physical Measurements:
    • Height: 5’4”
    • Weight: 205 lbs
    • BMI: 35
  • Vital Signs:
    • Blood Pressure: 140/82 (slightly elevated)
    • Other vital signs: Within normal limits
  • Family History:
    • Significant history of hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and coronary artery disease
  • Patient Concerns:
    • Dottie feels “stuck” and expresses a desire to improve her nutrition
    • Aims to lose weight through healthier eating habits

App: MyPlate by USDA

Teaching Points:

  1. Take the MyPlate Quiz:
    • Encourage Dottie to take the personalized MyPlate Quiz within the app. This quiz provides customized resources, recipe ideas, and tips that align with her nutritional goals (USDA Food and Nutrition Service, 2022).
  2. Set Nutritional Goals:
    • Teach Dottie how to set specific goals for each food group within the app. The app can also choose goals for her based on the results of her personalized quiz, helping her focus on areas that need improvement (USDA Food and Nutrition Service, 2022).
  3. Sync with Smartwatch:
    • Show Dottie how to sync the MyPlate app with her smartwatch to track her nutritional goals and monitor progress seamlessly throughout the day (USDA Food and Nutrition Service, 2022).
  4. Track Progress:
    • Guide Dottie on how to regularly track her progress toward her goals in each food group within the app. This feature will help her stay motivated and make necessary adjustments to her diet.

Safety Features/Guidelines Provided by the mHealth App

  1. Inability to Note Food Allergies/Disliked Foods:
    • Caution Dottie that the app may not account for specific food allergies or dislikes, which she will need to manually manage.
  2. Goals Specific to One Person vs. Family-Friendly:
    • Explain that the app’s goals are tailored to individual needs and may not align with the food preferences or requirements of other family members.
  3. Data Not Error-Free:
    • Inform Dottie that while the app provides valuable guidance, the data is not error-free and should still be tailored to her specific dietary needs and preferences.
  4. Recipe Ingredients Outside of Skillset or Budget:
    • Advise Dottie that some recipes or ingredients suggested by the app may be outside her culinary skillset or budget. Encourage her to seek substitutions or alternatives if needed.