Answer for PRAC 6531 Clinical Skills and Procedures Self-Assessment

Procedure Confident (Can complete independently) Mostly confident (Can complete with supervision) Beginning (Have performed with supervision or need supervision to feel confident) New (Have never performed or does not apply)
Cerumen Impaction Removal (irrigation and curette)
Fluorescein Staining
Corneal Foreign Body Removal
Wood’s Light Examination
Epistaxis management/nasal packing
Remove Foreign Body (ear, eye, nose, soft tissue, other)
EKG Lead Placement and Interpretation
Peak flow meter Measurements
Pulmonary Function Tests
Burn Treatment/dressing
Shave Biopsy
Punch Biopsy

– Simple Interrupted Sutures and Suture Removal

Staple Placement
Skin Adhesive Placement
Toenail Avulsion
Incision and Drainage
Subungual Hematoma Evacuation
Skin Tag Removal
Wart destruction/removal
Wound Care 

Wound Debridement

Steri Strip Application
Tick Removal
KOH skin slide for fungus
Hemorrhoid, excision of thrombus
Local/Field Block for Anesthesia
Digital Block for Anesthesia
Trigger Point Injection
Joint Injection
Basic microscopy (yeast, BV)
Contraceptive Placement (Long term)
IUD Placement and Removal


Summary of strengths:


I have notice that I may be able to demonstrate high level of competence in a range of clinical procedure such as burn treatment/dressing, wound care debridement, skin adhesive treatment and steri strip application.  Even though I have a collection of skills, there is sufficient potential for ongoing improvement and mastery in certain processes. Continuing one’s education, participating in workshops, and gaining practical experience are all ways to contribute to continuous growth.


Opportunities for growth:


Improving my abilities in the field of patient education may result in improved results for patients. Enhancing my capacity to provide excellent explanations of operations, post-treatment care, and responses to patient inquiries may contribute to an overall improvement in the patient experience. It is possible to further increase my capacity to deal with unforeseen circumstances in a clinical context by developing a better degree of flexibility to a variety of clinical settings and polishing abilities in emergency response. Included in this is the ability to maintain composure in high-pressure situations and to promptly conduct suitable actions.
These chances for growth are significant areas that I should concentrate on to achieve continual professional development. This will ensure that my healthcare practice is both well-rounded and successful.