NR501 Reflective Essay Chamberlain College of Nursing NR501 Theoretical Basis for Advanced Nursing Practice

NR501 Reflective Essay

Chamberlain College of Nursing NR501 Theoretical Basis for Advanced Nursing Practice May 18, 2018


Upon graduating from nursing school, I embarked on my professional journey in the labor and delivery unit, a field I have been passionate about since my early days in nursing school. My experiences during the obstetrics (OB) rotation had solidified my desire to work in this area, and I sought every opportunity to gain relevant experience. However, my first week on the job quickly highlighted the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical skills.

During my initial week, I was assigned to perform a vaginal exam to assess cervical effacement and dilation. Despite understanding the theoretical aspects of these procedures, I felt inadequately prepared for the hands-on execution. Nursing school had provided me with a solid theoretical foundation, but the lack of practical, hands-on experience left me feeling uncertain and unprepared.

My preceptor explained the process and what I should be looking for during the exam. Yet, each patient’s anatomy presented unique challenges, making it difficult to apply what I had learned in a textbook to a real-life scenario. When I conducted the vaginal exam, my preceptor asked if the baby’s head was down. Although I replied affirmatively, I requested that she double-check. She did not verify immediately, and as the patient’s pain escalated, a subsequent check revealed a breech position, necessitating an urgent C-section.


This experience was a significant learning moment for me. It underscored the importance of hands-on practice and the need for continuous learning and development in the nursing profession. The situation highlighted several key areas for reflection and improvement:

  1. Bridging Theory and Practice: Nursing education provides essential theoretical knowledge, but practical application is crucial. The gap between classroom learning and clinical practice can be substantial, and it is essential to seek out opportunities for hands-on experience. Simulation labs, clinical rotations, and mentorship programs can help bridge this gap.
  2. Importance of Supervision and Mentorship: The role of a preceptor is vital in guiding new nurses through their transition from student to practitioner. Effective mentorship involves not only explaining procedures but also providing oversight and validation of skills until the novice nurse gains confidence and competence.
  3. Patient Safety and Professional Responsibility: The incident underscored the importance of patient safety and the professional responsibility of nurses to ensure accurate assessments. My request for a double-check was a prudent step, but the delay in verification led to an emergent situation. This experience reinforced the need for thoroughness and the importance of advocating for patient safety.
  4. Communication and Teamwork: Effective communication and teamwork are critical in the healthcare setting. This incident demonstrated the need for clear communication between team members to ensure patient safety and optimal outcomes. It also highlighted the importance of speaking up and advocating for the patient’s best interests.
  5. Continuous Learning and Adaptability: Nursing is a dynamic field that requires continuous learning and adaptability. This experience taught me the value of being open to learning from every situation, seeking feedback, and continuously improving my skills. It also emphasized the importance of adaptability in handling unexpected situations.


Reflecting on this experience has been invaluable in my growth as a nurse. It has reinforced the need for ongoing education, practical experience, and the importance of mentorship and effective communication. As I continue my career in labor and delivery, I am committed to seeking out opportunities for hands-on learning, advocating for patient safety, and continuously striving to improve my practice. This experience has shaped my approach to nursing, underscoring the importance of blending theoretical knowledge with practical skills to provide the highest standard of care for my patients.