Solutions to Addressing Discrimination in Nursing

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Ageism in nursing is another source of discrimination in nursing. A 2013 national survey conducted by the Health Resources and Services Administration indicated that nearly half of nurses are aged 50 years and above. These nurses face discrimination based on their age, despite them making a critical healthcare workforce (reference). False assumptions about their stamina and cognitive ability have caused many people to undermine the contribution of these older nurses. These nurses are often unwillingly pushed to an early retirement due to age discrimination. Gender discrimination is another problem in nursing. Gender bias and other stereotypes include the notion that men do not possess the nurturing ability has distorted the perception of who can be a nurse (reference). Men who enter nursing professions are often misunderstood since nursing is perceived as a woman’s job.

Impact of Discrimination in Nursing

All the types of discrimination mentioned above have detrimental effects on nursing care and patient outcomes. In terms of racism, healthcare disparities between whites and people of color reflect the profound impact of systemic racism in healthcare (reference). For instance, discrimination contributes to the higher rates of child mortality among Black communities than White communities. Historically, Black children have suffered inequitable medical care and lack of access to healthcare facilities. Besides, the influence of perceived discrimination on health can be devastating (reference). Policies regarding access to health care, and health care funding are the reasons for health disparities. Additionally, systematic racism has led to the dearth of people of color in nursing leadership roles. Nursing leadership positions held by people of color are as follows; only 9 percent of healthcare CEO positions, 11 percent of executive healthcare positions, and 19 percent of first-level and midlevel healthcare management positions.

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Ageism has serious consequences on nurses affecting their financial security, career growth, as well self-esteem. Age discrimination in nursing result in job denial to qualified individuals and may even lead to the early retirement of nurses (reference). Age discrimination also has a bad influence on the quality of care since nurses’ self-esteem is reduced. When people believe they are experiencing discrimination based on personal characteristics, they may develop poorer physical and psychological health (reference). The association between perceived discrimination, racism, and health, including mental health, chronic health conditions, and personality development, has been a focus for a greater understanding of health disparities among ethnic groups.

Nurse leaders must set appropriate measures to tackle discrimination in nursing. They should initiate a conversation with their staff about different types of discrimination and how to prevent them (reference). Nurses should reflect on the experiences of nurses and patients who experience discrimination so that they can understand the impact it has on people. (reference) states that intentional or blatant discrimination must not be tolerated and must be immediately addressed. Nurses need to engage in a period of self-reflection about their personal and professional values regarding mutual respect, civility, and mutual respect.