Follow these rules for your PowerPoint presentation:

  • Review literature regarding issues or concerns within your selected area of advanced practice nursing.
  • Select a theory or model relevant to your selected area of advanced practice nursing.
  • Offer a meaningful context for evidence-based practice surrounding the identified issue or concern.
  • Identify and describe a theory or model, and explain its relevance to the issues or concerns within your selected area of advanced practice.
  • Explain how the theory or model can be used as a framework to guide evidence-based practice to address the issue or concern, and discuss the unique insight or perspective offered through the application of this theory or model.

Remember to include pictures and detailed notes in the speaker notes, usually 75 to 100 words. Each slide should consist of 7 sentences with 7 lines.

Slide 1: Title Slide

  • Title: Theoretical Framework to Support Evidence-Based Practice
  • Subtitle: Addressing [Selected Issue/Concern] in Advanced Practice Nursing
  • Presented by: [Your Name]
  • Date: [Presentation Date]

Slide 2: Introduction

  • Title: Introduction
  • Content:
    • Introduction to advanced practice nursing.
    • Importance of evidence-based practice (EBP).
    • Brief overview of the selected issue/concern in your practice area.
  • Speaker Notes: Introduce the key concepts of advanced practice nursing, emphasizing the critical role of evidence-based practice in improving patient outcomes. Mention the specific issue or concern that will be addressed in this presentation.

Slide 3: Literature Review

  • Title: Literature Review
  • Content:
    • Summary of existing literature on the selected issue.
    • Key findings and gaps in current research.
    • Importance of addressing this issue in advanced practice nursing.
  • Speaker Notes: Provide an overview of the literature reviewed, highlighting significant studies, their findings, and any identified gaps. Explain why this issue is critical to address within the context of advanced practice nursing.

Slide 4: Selected Theory or Model

  • Title: Selected Theory/Model
  • Content:
    • Name of the theory or model.
    • Brief description of the theory/model.
    • Relevance to advanced practice nursing.
  • Speaker Notes: Introduce the chosen theory or model, offering a concise description and explaining its relevance to advanced practice nursing, particularly in addressing the selected issue.

Slide 5: Application to Evidence-Based Practice

  • Title: Application to Evidence-Based Practice
  • Content:
    • How the theory/model supports EBP.
    • Steps to integrate the theory/model into practice.
    • Examples of successful application in similar contexts.
  • Speaker Notes: Explain how the chosen theory or model underpins the principles of evidence-based practice. Describe the steps for integrating this framework into clinical practice, providing examples of successful applications in similar scenarios.

Slide 6: Insight and Perspective

  • Title: Insight and Perspective
  • Content:
    • Unique insights offered by the theory/model.
    • How it enhances understanding of the issue/concern.
    • Potential impact on patient outcomes and practice improvement.
  • Speaker Notes: Discuss the unique insights and perspectives provided by the theory or model, highlighting how it enhances the understanding of the selected issue. Explain the potential positive impact on patient outcomes and practice improvement.

Slide 7: Conclusion

  • Title: Conclusion
  • Content:
    • Recap of key points.
    • Importance of integrating theory into practice.
    • Call to action for advanced practice nurses.
  • Speaker Notes: Summarize the key points discussed in the presentation, reinforcing the importance of integrating theoretical frameworks into evidence-based practice. Encourage advanced practice nurses to adopt and apply these frameworks to improve patient care.

Slide 8: References

  • Title: References
  • Content:
    • List of all sources cited.
  • Speaker Notes: Provide a comprehensive list of all references used in the presentation, formatted according to the appropriate academic style.