How This Theory Can Be Used as a Framework to Guide Evidence-Based Practice

How This Theory Can Be Used as a Framework to Guide Evidence-Based Practice

Watson’s theory can serve as a robust framework for guiding evidence-based practice in nursing. By integrating the ten Caritas processes, which support the caring needs of patients, FNPs can ensure that their practice is both scientifically sound and compassionately delivered. The theory emphasizes the metaparadigm concepts of human being, health, environment, and nursing practice, providing a comprehensive approach to patient care (Pajnikhar et al., 2017).


Jean Watson’s Theory of Human Caring offers a valuable framework for the FNP track, emphasizing the importance of holistic, compassionate care. By integrating the principles of loving-kindness, authentic presence, and spiritual practice, FNPs can enhance patient outcomes and satisfaction. This theory not only supports the humanistic aspects of nursing but also ensures that care is grounded in scientific evidence, promoting a balanced and effective approach to patient care.


Pajnkihar, M., McKenna, H. P., Štiglic, G., & Vrbnjak, D. (2017). Fit for Practice: Analysis and Evaluation of Watson’s Theory of Human Caring. Nursing Science Quarterly, 30(3), 243–252.

Watson, J. (2008). Nursing: The Philosophy and Science of Caring. University Press of Colorado