Answer 3 for PHI 413 According to the four parts of the Christian biblical narrative (i.e., creation, fall, redemption, and restoration) that informs us about the nature of God, where would you find comfort and hope in the midst of sickness and disease?
The Christian biblical narrative can be thought of as a story of the creation, fall, redemption, and restoration of human beings (Hoehner, 2022). Each event contained in this narrative has lessons for humankind. These events help mankind in understanding important lessons that guide us through our lives to become closer to God. The restoration gives humankind hope that one day we will all be free of sin, healthy, and happy with God. When we are sick and suffering, we pray to God to heal us and relieve our pain. We have faith and hope that God will hear our prayers and end the illnesses, diseases, and suffering we may be experiencing. When pain and suffering may result from a terminal illness or disease, some take comfort in knowing their suffering and pain will end soon when they leave this life to be with God. They may look forward to the end of their life as being a time when their suffering will end, and they will be at peace with God. None of us will live in perfect health forever (this side of the resurrection). But this reality of suffering and death, despite our best efforts to banish and forestall them should not destroy our hope. They merely give our hope a new goal direction (Duggan, 2015).
Duggan, A. (2015). Healing and hope in the midst of suffering and death. The Linacre Quarterly, 82(2), 124-127.
Hoehner, P. (2022). Biomedical ethics in the Christian narrative. Practicing Dignity: An Introduction to Christian Values and Decision Making in Health Care (2nd ed., pp. 130). Grand Canyon University.