Answer 3 for HRM 635 Why is employee engagement an important strategy to foster within an organization?
Answer 3 for HRM 635 Why is employee engagement an important strategy to foster within an organization?
Engaged employees as those who are involved in, enthusiastic about, and committed to their work and workplace. To create an environment where people flourish, employers need to understand what it means to be an engaged employee and how to manage people for engagement in their workforce. Personally, I have not experienced an organization that fosters a culture of engagement. I have heard about Amazon helping their employees process working full time and attending college to complete a degree. Also, I have seen a hospital organization called BayCare that has a chain of hospitals in Tampa Bay. This organization does offer a program for nurses to pay for their BSN in Nursing as they work part-time, and they pay for your school. This agreement is if the employee signs a contract to work for the organization after graduation for five years.
One strategy that can foster an engaging environment in the workplace for nursing is Evidance based practice program. This will help the nurse grow in their carrier by obtaining knowledge on how to apply the EBP steps, do research, collaborate with other colleagues, and break that Plato of monotony. It will provide updated skills for nursing and will help them be always engaged with patient care and staff.
Fletcher, L, Alfews, K., Robinson, D. (2016). The relationship between perceived training and development and employee retention: the mediating role of work attitudes. The International Journal of Human Resources. 29(18). 2701-2728.