Tips for Coping with Stress During Nursing School

Let’s face it: the nursing student life is stressful. Nursing school is rigorous, and when you have to balance it with personal life, it can be a lot to handle!

The good news is that not only are you not alone, but there are a ton of healthy coping mechanisms that you can use to reduce the amount of day-to-day stress that you endure as a nursing student. Below are some tips we’ve found to be helpful in coping with stress while in nursing school.

It’s okay to be selfish

Self-care is one of the most important things to pay attention to when coping with stress. If your body and brain aren’t being cared for, academic success will be much harder to achieve.

Self-care can be anything from putting on a face mask after a long day of studying to replacing an evening study session with a workout or bath.

Create a routine

Balancing all of the things to-do in your personal life and nursing school can be difficult, but staying organized can help you to fit it all in. Making a schedule of tasks, goals, and appointments is a great way to have a view of what each week holds.

Related read: How to balance day to day tasks and keep organized

Spend time with friends and family

 It can be easy to be consumed by the weekly tasks and assignments nursing school entails, but you can find amazing support from the people who love you most. It’s important to communicate to your friends and family about your progress, stress, and needs.

Set yourself a goal this week to connect with a friend or family member you haven’t talked to in a while. It doesn’t have to be a long commitment – just a quick chat can do wonders for your mental health!

Journal before bed