Medication Errors in a Hospital Setting Capella University NHS4000: Developing a Health Care Perspective

Introduction Medication errors happen far too often in clinical settings and can have dire consequences for patients. According to the Institution for Safe Medication Practices, a medication error is defined as “a preventable event that may cause or lead to inappropriate medication use or patient harm.” An estimated 1.5 million patients are affected by medication errors every year in the United States although, it is difficult to know the exact number of medication errors due to lack of self-reporting (Pop & Finocchi, 2016).

In this research paper, types of medication errors and medication safety issues will be discussed as well as possible solutions and exploration of how the solutions can be implemented. In order for hospitals to provide outstanding quality care, patients need to have a level of trust in health care providers while they are receiving treatment. Medication errors should continue to be investigated and hospitals should implement a variety of strategies on a regular basis to prevent errors and increase safety for all patients. Elements of Medication Errors As a registered nurse, I take medication safety very seriously. Nursing school teaches us the importance of the “five rights” of medication administration: the right patient, the right drug, the right dose, the right route, and the right time.

While we always have the best intentions going into our shifts, mistakes can and do happen, even to the most experienced nurses and providers. Hospitals are busier than ever and nurses are pulled in many different directions so distractions are always an issue. Nurses are usually the last line of defense when a medication error is about to happen due to the fact that they are the ones who are in charge of administering drugs. It is important that we recognize and reduce the risks of medication errors so that nurses have a better chance to provide safe care (Pop & Finocchi, 2016). Get your NHS4000 courses done for you!