NR NR224 Final Practice

  1. a. In time, you will be better at this than I am. b. Don’t worry about it, most clients feel like you do at first. c. What part of the ileostomy care are you having trouble with? (Correct answer) d. I agree. This is a difficult process.

  1. a. A home health nurse will be stopping by tomorrow to answer your questions. b. Your mother has been taught to care for her colostomy independently. c. What part of your mother’s care are you concerned with? (Correct answer) d. It is quite simple. I’ll change the colostomy bag before she is discharged.

  1. a. A client who is postoperative following a lobectomy and has a chest tube (Correct answer) b. A client who is being discharged to a long-term care facility c. A client who needs teaching prior to initiating cardiac rehabilitation activities d. A client who needs teaching about insulin self-administration

  1. a. Constipation occurs when the bowel absorbs too much water (Correct answer) b. Eating too many processed foods causes constipation c. When the bowel releases too much water it causes constipation d. Using over-the-counter laxatives causes constipation

  1. a. The client has been NPO for several hours b. Postoperative clients may develop an ileus resulting in absent bowel sounds (Correct answer) c. There is gas in the abdomen d. The client emptied their bowels before surgery

  1. a. NPO status for 24 hours b. A complete bowel cleanse (Correct answer) c. Clear liquids after midnight d. A fleet enema to prep the bowel

  1. a. Colonoscopy b. Barium enema c. Fecal occult blood test (Correct answer) d. CT scan of the lower intestine

  1. a. Ascending colon b. Transverse colon c. Descending colon d. Sigmoid colon (Correct answer)

  1. a. 12 inches above the anus for a regular enema (Correct answer) b. 6-10 inches above the anus for a high enema c. To shoulder height then lower it 6 inches d. On an IV pole 18 inches above the bed

  1. a. Supine with the knees flexed b. Prone with the right leg flexed c. On the left side with the right leg flexed (Correct answer) d. On the right side with both knees flexed

  1. a. Scrub the skin on the abdomen with antiseptic soap b. Report the appearance of a red, moist stoma c. After measuring the diameter of the stoma, cut the opening of the wafer (Correct answer) d. Tape the wafer in place in a window-pane format

  1. a. Client with urinary frequency (Correct answer) b. Client who uses a walker to ambulate c. Client with an indwelling catheter d. Client with an incision on their abdomen