Top 10 Study Tips for Nursing Students  1. Take a break when you need a break

If you’re feeling like you need a break from studying and memorizing, don’t fall trap to the thinking that you need to power through and keep cramming. You might think more = better, but studies have shown that taking a break can actually make you more productive.

2. Know your learning style

Many students may make it to the college level without even knowing what their unique learning style is. Some people learn best by reading, some by writing out notes in a study guide, others by listening, and still others by seeing or doing.

The important thing is that you realize that no way is the “right” way, but there is a right way that will work for you, so experiment to find out what works best for you.

Instagrammer Maddie K. explained in a post that for her, being a visual learner means that she learns best through videos and pictures instead of just reading. So, for her, watching YouTube videos about the topics she will be tested on has been a life-saver. No, really, she said it herself: “YouTube videos have literally saved my life (heading in a different way can really help),” she wrote.

3. Reward yourself

A year out of school, 26-year-old labor and delivery registered nurse Danielle Smith’s biggest tip is to set rewards for studying. For example, she suggests that if you want to watch the new episode of “This is Us”, you should tell yourself you must first finish your flashcards for a chapter or complete at least 25 practice questions, etc.

“Other rewards could be a date/night out, or even a treat like your favorite candy bar, but not unless you accomplish something for school first,” Smith says. “This worked wonders for me!”

4. Avoid cramming for nursing exams

My biggest tip is to make sure you give yourself enough time to study all the content before your nursing exam!” advises second-year nursing student Kaylee Fenslau, 20.

“Cramming is never good. I normally like to start studying a week before my class and I always do a little bit every day no matter what. I also use a planner, so I know exactly when my assignments and tests are due! Another tip I have is to do a lot of practice questions. That’s helped me immensely in knowing how to answer NCLEX questions—always make time for yourself so you don’t overload yourself with the stress of the assignments and studying!”

5. Schedule that study time

Second-year BSN student Kelly Carson, 25,  says that time management and prioritizing are everything. And the real key? Scheduling out a time to study—don’t just leave it until you feel like it.

“Coursework is never-ending so make sure you have a place whether it’s on the computer or an old fashion planner to write down your assignments for the entire semester,” she notes. “Also, getting a head start at the beginning of the semester has helped me to not get behind on readings and assignments!”

6. Diffuse oils to help increase concentration

If you need a little pick-me-up before studying, try some essential oils. Lavender, rosemary, and peppermint oils have all been studied and have been shown to increase concentration and retention.

Try diffusing the oils or dabbing a little on your wrists before sitting down to a study sesh.

7. Try the 45-15 study strategy

If you’re having trouble focusing on your study sessions, try mixing things up with the 45-15 study strategy. The strategy is simple: set a timer for 45 minutes, then take a break for the next 15.

The key is really, really focusing during those 45 minutes (no social media, folks!) and then really, really taking a break. Get up, get moving, talk a walk, and then get back to it.

This strategy is a good way to prep and take advantage of the natural ebb and flow of concentration in your brain.

8. Form a study group

RN Ashley Cloutier, 31, knows that just like nurses out in the field dep