SBAR filled out for week 2 clinical NR 244

21 August 2024

I – Introduction

  • Name: Desiree Contes
  • Title: Student Nurse
  • Reason for Being There: Clinical Rotation

S – Situation

  • Patient: Will Emerson
  • Age: 56 years old
  • Gender: Male
  • Height/Weight: 175 cm / 70 kg
  • Allergies: Penicillin, Morphine, Sulfate
  • Code Status: Full Code
  • Privacy Code: Not specified
  • Date/Time of Care: 1/15/2022, 10:00 AM
  • Attending Physician: Dr. James
  • Chief Complaint: Increasing difficulty breathing
  • Pathophysiology of Primary Medical Diagnosis: Evolution of adverse functional changes associated with a disease (specific disease not mentioned)

B – Background

  • Past Medical History:
    • Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
  • Current Medications:
    • Oxygen (2 LPM)
    • Xopenex
  • Social History:
    • Social drinker
    • Previous 2 pack-a-day smoker

A – Assessment

  • Vital Signs:
    • Blood Pressure (B/P): 156/60 mmHg
    • Heart Rate (HR): 110 bpm
    • Respiratory Rate (RR): 34 breaths/min
    • Temperature (TEMP): 103°F / 39.4°C
    • SpO2: 92% on 2 LPM oxygen
    • Pain Level: 4/10
  • Falls Risk: High
  • Accu Check: Not provided
  • IV Site: Not specified
  • IV Fluids: Saline
  • Isolation Precautions:
    • Yes (COVID-19 positive)
    • Wear mask and quarantine at all times
  • Respiratory:
    • Rhonchi in all fields
    • Intercostal retractions bilaterally
  • Cardiovascular:
    • Sinus Tachycardia
    • Audible S1 and S2, no murmurs
  • Neurological:
    • Alert and oriented to person, place, and time
  • HEENT:
    • Skull is normal cephalic
    • PERRLA (Pupils Equal, Round, Reactive to Light and Accommodation)
  • Gastrointestinal/Genitourinary (GI/GU):
    • Hyperactive bowel sounds
    • Abdomen soft, round, no pain on palpation
    • Voiding dark yellow urine
  • Dietary History:
    • NPO (Nothing by mouth)
  • Integumentary:
    • Skin pale, hot, diaphoretic
  • Musculoskeletal:
    • General weakness
    • 1+ pitting edema in lower extremities
    • Radial and pedal pulses weak bilaterally
  • Psychological/Family Support:
    • Supported by wife
  • Safety Teaching Needed:
    • Isolation precautions
    • Mask-wearing
    • Bed rest
  • Labs/Tests Abnormal:
    • CBC
    • BMP
    • Chest X-ray (ordered)
    • Flu test (ordered)
    • COVID test (ordered) – STAT

R – Request/Recommendation

  • Recommendation:
    • Place on isolation
    • Stat chest X-ray
    • Labs: CBC, BMP, Flu test, COVID test – STAT
    • Hold all current home medications
    • Notify physician once all results are available
  • Hand Off Report:
    • From: Desiree Contes, Student Nurse
    • To: Professor Ufundo