NR 599 midterm review 1 The nurse understands that nursing informatics is recognized as a specialty area of practice by which statement? Research priorities for nursing informatics include the development of a standard nursing language and the development of databases for clinical information

NR 599 midterm review 1

  1. The nurse understands that nursing informatics is recognized as a specialty area of practice by which statement? Research priorities for nursing informatics include the development of a standard nursing language and the development of databases for clinical information.
  2. Which statement by the nurse verifies that the nurse is “information literate”? “I understand how to search for a website and evaluate its usefulness for healthcare needs.”
  3. What is information? Data that can be interpreted. Example: patient’s temperature. Grouping of data processed into meaningful structured form.
  4. The nurse gathers much data when caring for clients. Which is an example of the higher-level “information” useful in caring for clients? After receiving Rocephin (ceftriaxone sodium) 1.0 gram IV yesterday, the client reported feeling better today.
  5. Which statement best distinguishes the difference between information literacy and computer literacy? Information literacy forms the basis for ongoing learning whereas computer literacy refers to a familiarity with the use of personal computers.
  6. Which statement indicates the appropriate level of informatics competencies to the correct nurse? A nurse informatics specialist extrapolates data to develop best practice model for indwelling catheter care.
  7. What is Quality Information? Information that is timely, precise, accurate, numerically quantifiable, easily available, unbiased, clear, and reliable.
  8. What is data? Collection of numbers, characters, or facts that are gathered for a need. EX: patients vital signs. Raw unprocessed numbers, symbols, or words that have no meaning by themselves. Without context, data is meaningless.
  9. What is data integrity? Ability to collect, store, and retrieve correct, complete, and current data so data is available to authorized users.
  10. What is necessary to determine if a website has quality information? Credited seal, good contact information, not selling things, credible author, unbiased (things discussed in class), has URAC or HON CODE, updated.
  11. Offline: Thumb drive, CD, something stored on a medium, not used as much.
  12. Online: Safe through network, backs it up, easy access, used more frequently.
  13. Computer literate: Use of computers, know how to work it, basic computer skills EX: word processing, spreadsheet, email.
  14. Information literate: Helps ethical issues, can recognize relevance, and know how to apply it. EX: reliable sources.
  15. Health literate: Ability to understand, obtain, and process basic health information in order to make informed health decisions. EX: definition of medical terms.
  16. Nursing Informatics: Managing and processing information applying to nursing practice, education, and research. Established and growing area of specialization in nursing. Nurses employ information technologies in their practice.
  17. Knowledge: Is formed when data is grouped, creating meaningful information and relationships, which are then added to other structured information.
  18. Why do we need to study nurse informatics? Information is power, and technology facilitates a creative process in nurses, and improves patient education, teaching, and learning.
  19. What is a common reality that occurs with nursing and technology? Nurses will be comfortable working with computers and advanced technology while providing care for clients.
  20. Definition of Nursing Informatics by ANA: Specialty that integrates nursing science, computer science to manage and communicate data, information, and knowledge in nursing practice.
  21. What are the functions of computers in Nursing Practice? Record information, provide access to other departments, manage schedules.
  22. What is Telehealth? Uses technology to access, diagnose, and treat at a distance.
  23. Examples of Telehealth devices: BP, pulse oximeters, scales, video monitors.
  24. What is biometric technology? Using human characteristics to authenticate or grant access to data or information.
  25. How do human resources use computers? Employee database, administration services.
  26. How do medical records management use computers? (This question is incomplete in the provided text, so the answer is not available.)
  27. What is the definition of information technology? Hardware and software facilitate storage, retrieval, communication, and management of information.
  28. What is the definition of computer literacy? Knowledge and understanding of computers with effective use.
  29. How do you identify problems? Locate current literature and related concepts.
  30. What are the 3 things needed when looking for information online? Purpose, Focus, Approach.
  31. Define Purpose: Why are you doing the search? Why do you need this information?
  32. Define Focus: Basic information for you, lay-oriented for your patients, professionally oriented for your colleagues.
  33. Define Approach: Broad and general with information that can be quickly accessed.
  34. Edu: Education.
  35. Org: Nonprofit organization.
  36. Com: Commercial enterprise.
  37. Net: Internet provider.
  38. Gov: Governmental body.
  39. Mil: Military.
  40. A disadvantage to the utilization of the electronic medical record (EMR) includes which of the following? The intensive training in the beginning needed to prepare staff members to use the EMR.
  41. Which action indicates the nurse is functioning as a knowledge worker? The nurse auscultates diminished breath sounds in a postoperative client the morning after abdominal surgery and encourages the client to turn, cough, and deep breathe every hour instead of every two hours.
  42. A nurse manager wishes to hire a new nurse who has just graduated from nursing school. At the beginning level of informatics competencies, the nurse should be able to do which of the following? Input vital signs and intake and output data in the electronic medical record.
  43. In which way does medical informatics overlap with nursing informatics? Medical and nursing informatics focus on the areas of information retrieval.
  44. Health care consumers have all the information and tools to make health care choices because they can easily compare quality and cost of care. Which of the following is correct? The statement is false because the tool has not been developed.
  45. The role of the informatics nurse does not include assessing the usability of devices for health care consumers. This statement is false because of which of the following reasons? The development of policy regarding usability is an important part of the informatics nurse’s role.
  46. Over the next few years, nursing informatics and other health informatics disciplines will crisscross, resulting in more interdisciplinary projects. This statement is true because of which of the following reasons? Nurse informatics specialists will work collaboratively with other disciplines to develop user-friendly systems.
  47. The best estimate of the number of informatics nurses needed over the next few years is which of the following? 6,000 to 12,000.