NR534 Advanced Communication in Systems Leadership copy

Advanced Communication in Systems Leadership

My approach to this paper began with an analysis of my personal leadership style and personality profile. This process included completing two key assessments: The Blake and Mouton Managerial Grid and The Jung Typology Test. The purpose of this paper is to reflect on my past communication practices, apply the insights gained from my newly identified personality profile and leadership style, and explore how new communication skills can be integrated with these developments. This will be achieved through reflective exercises that help me identify my communication preferences, understand how they correlate with my identified styles, anticipate potential conflicts that may arise due to my communication preferences, and develop strategies to overcome those obstacles. The ultimate goal is to become a more effective communicator and a better leader overall.

Honest Self-Assessment

It is crucial to acknowledge that in order to get an accurate picture of our true management style, we must answer assessment questions honestly. It can be tempting to answer in a way that reflects how we want to be perceived, but for the purpose of this paper, it is essential to take a deep and honest look at ourselves, basing our answers on past behavior and experiences.

Personal Leadership Profile

According to the Jung Typology Test, my dominant personality preferences are Extraversion (25%), Intuition (3%), Feeling (38%), and Judging (6%), resulting in an ENFJ personality profile. My preference for extraversion means that I thrive in interactive environments where there is an exchange of energy. I tend to perceive information by connecting facts with relationships and integrating them into a cohesive overall picture. My decision-making process is guided by a desire to create harmony and appreciate the feelings and needs of others.

This ENFJ profile suggests that I am likely to prioritize collaboration and value the emotional and relational aspects of communication. These traits influence how I interact with others, making it essential to consider how my communication style might impact my leadership effectiveness, especially in systems leadership where clear, effective communication is critical.

Reflecting on Communication Preferences

My communication preferences, as informed by my ENFJ personality type, lean towards interactive and harmonious exchanges. I value environments where ideas and energy are freely shared, and I am motivated by a desire to foster positive relationships. This approach has its strengths, particularly in team-building and conflict resolution, but it also presents challenges. For example, my focus on harmony might lead me to avoid difficult conversations or downplay conflicts, which can be detrimental in situations where directness is required.

Addressing Potential Conflicts

Understanding the potential conflicts that may arise from my communication style is an important step in becoming a more effective leader. For instance, my preference for harmony could conflict with situations that require tough decisions or critical feedback. To address this, I will need to develop strategies for balancing my natural inclination towards harmony with the need for clear, assertive communication when the situation demands it. This might include practicing more direct communication in low-stakes situations to build confidence or seeking out feedback from colleagues to ensure my communication is both effective and true to my leadership goals.

Applying New Communication Skills

Moving forward, I plan to apply the new communication skills I have learned to enhance my leadership practice. This includes being more mindful of how my communication style affects others and being open to adapting my approach to better meet the needs of different situations. By integrating these new skills with my existing strengths, I aim to improve not only my communication effectiveness but also my overall leadership capabilities.


Through this reflective process, I have gained a deeper understanding of my personal leadership profile and communication preferences. By identifying the strengths and potential pitfalls of my ENFJ personality type, I am better equipped to navigate the complexities of communication in leadership roles. The insights gained from this analysis will serve as a foundation for my ongoing development as a leader, helping me to become a more effective communicator and a more impactful leader in the healthcare system.


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