NR 451 Capstone Project Milestone 3 Educating Staff and Implementing Change

Capstone Project Milestone 3: Educating Staff and Implementing Change

Purpose:The goal of this assignment is to create a PowerPoint presentation aimed at educating the staff involved in the pilot program for your change project. Your presentation should effectively communicate the problem, present the supporting evidence, and outline the implementation plan for the pilot project.

Course Outcomes:This assignment supports the following course outcomes:

  • CO2: Proposes leadership and collaboration strategies with healthcare providers and consumers to manage care, delegate responsibilities, and promote health.
  • CO3: Enhances communication with patient populations and healthcare providers to manage healthcare for individuals, families, and communities.
  • CO7: Integrates professional roles of leader, teacher, communicator, and manager to deliver cost-effective, quality healthcare in both structured and unstructured settings.


  • Milestone 3 is worth 200 points.

Important Notes:

  • You are required to use one of the required articles from the Week 3 Milestone 1 assignment; failure to do so will result in a “0” for the assignment. Adherence to the guidelines and the use of the required article are crucial.
  • There will be no opportunity for revision or resubmission of assignments once they have been submitted after the due date. Ensure that the correct assignment is submitted to the correct area.


  • Educational Presentation: Develop a PowerPoint presentation to educate staff before the launch of your change project. The presentation should cover the problem, your proposed solution, and the role of the staff in implementing the change.
  • Format: The proposal should be in PowerPoint format.
  • Resources:
    • For PowerPoint assistance, visit Microsoft Office PowerPoint Training.
    • The Chamberlain Student Success Strategies (SSPRNBSN) includes a module on Computer Literacy with a section on PowerPoint. Access it through your Canvas course list.

Presentation Length:

  • The PowerPoint presentation should be between 15-20 slides, excluding the title and reference slides.

Slide Content:

  1. Title Slide
  2. Description of the ACE Star Change Model used for the project.
  3. Practice Issue (based on one of the required articles).
  4. Scope of the Problem—Include basic statistics relevant to your work area and the broader healthcare context.
  5. Your Team/Stakeholders—Identify and explain their roles.
  6. Evidence Supporting the Need for Change—Derived from your Evidence Summary.
  7. Action Plan
  8. Timeline for Implementation
  9. Nurses’ Roles and Responsibilities in the Pilot Program
  10. Procedure—Steps from start to finish.
  11. Forms Used (if applicable)
  12. Resources Available to Staff—Including yourself.
  13. Summary
  14. References

Citations and References:

  • Include citations on each slide to support the information provided. Follow APA format for all references. Scholarly sources should be used, meaning peer-reviewed journals and credible websites. Ask yourself, “How do I know this?” and then cite the source.


  • Application: Use Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 or later.
  • Length: 15-20 slides (excluding the title and reference slides).
  • Submission: Submit by 11:59 p.m. on Sunday, by the end of Week 6.
  • Late Submission: Refer to the course policies on late submissions.

Best Practices:

  • Be creative and incorporate visuals such as graphics, clip art, or photographs.
  • Use short bullet points and large font to ensure readability.

Evaluation Rubric:

  • The Problem: Clearly summarize the change model, practice issue, scope, and stakeholders (30 points).
  • The Evidence: Discuss the evidence in terms of themes from the systematic review, summarizing pertinent information (35 points).
  • The Action Plan: Provide a detailed and logical action plan with a thorough timeline (35 points).
  • The Nurse’s Role: Clearly describe the nurse’s role and the procedures for the pilot plan (25 points).
  • The Resources: Include a tracking process and resources needed for implementation (20 points).
  • The Summary: Reiterate the problem, purpose, and measurable goals (10 points).
  • Overall Presentation: Ensure clarity, creativity, and correct grammar, punctuation, and APA citations (20 points).
  • Mechanics: Include a title slide, correct grammar and formatting, and a reference slide with citations (25 points).

Additional Tips: