NRS 490 – Literature Evaluation Table & PICOT Question Literature Evaluation Table


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PICOT Question: In cigarette smokers older than 17 years (P), does nicotine replacement therapy (I), versus using other smoking cessation therapies (C), affect smoking cessation outcomes (O) over a period of three months (T)?


Criteria Article 1 Article 2 Article 3 Article 4
Author, Journal (Peer-Reviewed), and

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Buller, D., Halperin, A., Severson, H., Borland, R., Slater, M., Bettinghaus, E., Tinkelman, D., Cutter, G. & Woodall, G.

J Public Health Manag Pract., 20(2), E7-E15

doi:  10.1097/PHH.0b013e3182a0b8c7


Metrik, J., Spillane, N., Leventhal, A. & Kahler, G.

Drug Alcohol Depend., 119(3), 194-200

doi:  10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2011.06.004


Rath, J., Villanti, A., Abrams, D. & Vallone, D.

Journal of Environmental and Public Health, Volume 2012 (2012), Article ID 679134

doi: 10.1155/2012/679134


Thurgood, S., McNeill, A., Clark-Carter, D. & Brose, L.

Nicotine & Tobacco Research, 18(5), 993-1001.

doi: 10.1093/ntr/ntv127 (

Article Title and Year Published Effect of Nicotine Replacement Therapy on Quitting by Young Adults in a Trial Comparing Cessation Services.


Marijuana Use and Tobacco Smoking Cessation Among Heavy Alcohol Drinkers.


Patterns of Tobacco Use and Dual Use in US Young Adults: The Missing Link between Youth Prevention and Adult Cessation.


A Systematic Review of Smoking Cessation Interventions for Adults in Substance Abuse Treatment or Recovery


Research Questions (Qualitative)/Hypothesis (Quantitative), and Purposes/Aim of Study Research question (implied): How useful and effective is nicotine patch in smoking cessation interventions?

Aim of the study: Use and effectiveness of nicotine patch was explored in a randomized trial evaluating smoking cessation interventions with this population.

Research question (implied): How does marijuana use affect nicotine smoking cessation efforts for alcohol drinkers?

NRS 490 – Literature Evaluation Table & PICOT Question. Aim of the study: To determine whether marijuana use affects smoking cessation outcomes and whether smoking cessation treatment leads to changes in marijuana smoking among alcohol drinkers.

Research question (implied): What is the prevalence of cigarette, other tobacco products, and dual use in a USA nationally representative sample of young adults aged 18–34.

Aim of the study: To determine nicotine use prevalence among young adults in the USA

Research questions: (1) what is the effectiveness of different smoking cessation interventions for patients with substance use disorders?

(2) what is the impact of smoking cessation treatment on substance use outcomes?

Aim of the study: to evaluate the effectiveness of smoking cessation interventions for patients with substance use disorders.

Design (Type of Quantitative, or Type of Qualitative) Quantitative design that included a pretest and posttest trial with the participants randomized. Quantitative design that applied a randomized control trial Quantitative study using online panel data Qualitative study that relied on literature review of peer-reviewed publications
Setting/Sample Sample comprised of 3,094 smokers aged 18-30 Sample comprised 236 heavy drinkers of which 57 currently smoked marijuana Sample comprised 4,201 young adults aged between 18 and 34 Randomized controlled trails published between 1990 and 2014
Methods: Intervention/Instruments


The intervention entails subjecting the treatment group to a two-week nicotine replacement therapy. The intervention entailed using marijuana as a substitute for tobacco smoking and alcohol use. The instrument entailed collecting information on whether the participants used nicotine products The instrument entailed reviewed databases, grey literature, reference lists, and journals


Compared the performance of nicotine replacement therapy against other cessation strategies such as medication and counselling. Comparing tobacco smoking and alcohol use between marijuana smokers and non-marijuana smokers. Report the sample proportion that used nicotine products against the proportion that did not use nicotine to determine prevalence. Assessed emerging themes from the peer review.
Key Findings


Greater nicotine replacement therapy use among those who received training than those who did not receive training (12-weeks: 84.3% v. 41.9%, p<.001; 26-weeks: 87.6% v. 51.1%, p<.001). Marijuana smokers reduced drinking by 47% over an 8-week period, to be followed by 24% reduction in tobacco smoking over the next 18 weeks. 23% of the participants used nicotine of which 30% reported dual use Nicotine patches, nicotine gum, counselling, contingency management, relapse prevention, cognitive behavioral therapy, nicotine replacement therapy, and bupropion are effective strategies for ensuring smoking abstinence and cessation.


Nicotine replacement therapy should be availed to young adults who seek to cease smoking. Marijuana smoking presents a viable substitute for tobacco smoking and alcohol use. There is a need to monitor and implement smoking cessation efforts for young adults in the USA The discussed strategies should be extensively applied in smoking abstinence and cessation programs.
Explanation of How the Article Supports EBP/Capstone Project The article supports the present project by providing tangible evidence to show that smoking cessation can be achieved by applying replacement therapy. NRS 490 – Literature Evaluation Table & PICOT Question The article supports the present project be presenting evidence to support the use of marijuana as tobacco substitute. The article supports the current project by highlighting the need to addressing smoking as a problem among young adults. The article supports the current project by indicating that nicotine replacement therapy is effective for smoking cessation programs.



Criteria Article 5 Article 6 Article 7 Article 8
Author, Journal (Peer-Reviewed), and

Permalink or Working Link to Access Article

Garcia-Rodriguez, O., Secades-Villa, R., Florez-Salamanca, L.m Okuda, M., Liu, S. & Blanco, C.

Drug Alcohol Depend., 132(3), 479-485

doi: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2013.03.008


Chen, J., Nguyen, A., Malesker, M. & Morrow, L.

Respiratory Care, 61(5), 640-645.

doi: 10.4187/respcare.04439

Hakim, S., Chowdhury, M. & Uddin, J.

Preventive Medicine Reports, 8, 122-128.

doi: 10.1016/j.pmedr.2017.08.007


Diemert, L., Bondy, S., Brown, S. & Manske, S.

American Journal of Public Health, 103(3), 449-453.

doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2012.300878

Article Title and Year Published Effect of Nicotine Replacement Therapy on Quitting by Young Adults in a Trial Comparing Cessation Services.


High-Risk Smoking Behaviors and Barriers to Smoking Cessation Among Homeless Individuals.


Correlates of unsuccessful smoking cessation among adults in Bangladesh.


Young Adult Smoking Cessation: Predictors of Quit Attempts and Abstinence.


Research Questions (Qualitative)/Hypothesis (Quantitative), and Purposes/Aim of Study Research question (implied): What are the estimated relapse rates and predictors to smoking?

Aim of the study: to estimate rates of relapse to smoking in the community and to identify predictors of relapse.

Research question (implied): What are the high-risk smoking behaviors and barriers to smoking cessation among homeless individuals? NRS 490 – Literature Evaluation Table & PICOT Question

Aim of the study: to present data regarding tobacco use and barriers to smoking cessation among homeless individuals.

Research question (implied): What are the correlates of unsuccessful smoking cessation among adults in Bangladesh?

Aim of the study: to identify the correlates of unsuccessful smoking cessation among adults in Bangladesh.

Research question (implied): What are the predictors of young adults smoking cessation behavior?

Aim of the study: to determine if young adults smokers require effective and appropriate cessation resources.

Design (Type of Quantitative, or Type of Qualitative) Quantitative design that relied on secondary data Quantitative design that relied on surveys Quantitative design that relied on secondary from 2009 Global Adult Tobacco Survey (GATS) for Bangladesh. Quantitative design that relied on data from Ontario Tobacco Survey.
Setting/Sample Data was collected from Waves 1 and 2 of the National Epidemiologic Survey of Alcohol and Related Conditions 100 smoking individuals residing at a homeless shelter 1552 smokers who are older than 14 years of age. 592 young adult smokers
Methods: Intervention/Instruments Information on smoking relapse and predictors Presenting opinions on the research topic Information on successful and unsuccessful smoking quitters Information on smoking quit attempts
Analysis Reported relapse and predictor statistics Present recurring themes Statistics on successful and unsuccessful smoking quitters among the participants Statistics on factors that influence smoking quit attempts
Key Findings Risk of relapse exceeded 50% within 1 year but dropped to 10% over the next 30 years. NRS 490 – Literature Evaluation Table & PICOT Question 90% of the participants engaged in at least one of the high-risk tobacco practices. Best smoking cessation aid was nicotine replacement therapy. Barriers to smoking cessation included excessive stress and anxiety. NRS 490 – Literature Evaluation Table & PICOT Question Of the 1552 smokers, 1058 unsuccessfully quit while 494 successfully quit 25% of young adult smokers attempt cessation, and 14% are successful for the first 30 days.
Recommendations Attention on persons who quit over the last year since they are at highest risk of relapse, although it should be noted that the risk is not eliminated over time. There is a need to address excessive stress and anxiety as barriers to cessation even as nicotine replacement therapy is applied as the best strategy among homeless individuals. Cessation programs require an integrated approach to improve successful outcomes Cessation is predicted by resources, prior attempts and intention.

Abstinence is predicted by self-efficacy, resources, support, and level of addiction.


Explanation of How the Article Supports EBP/Capstone The article supports the project by showing that smoking cessation is a continuous process and the risk of relapse only decreases over time and is not fully eliminated. NRS 490 – Literature Evaluation Table & PICOT Question The article supports the project by showing that nicotine replacement therapy is an effective strategy for smoking cessation. The article supports the current project by showing that cessation approaches are influenced by demographic factors such that what works for one group does not necessarily work for another group. As such, it would not be right to assume that nicotine replacement therapy would work for the population of interest since it works for other age groups. The article supports the current project by presenting factors that influence smoking cessation and are likely to have a destabilizing effect on the current project unless they are controlled.

NRS 490 – Literature Evaluation Table & PICOT Question