Answer 3 for PHI 413 How does your worldview of human value affect your beliefs about bioethical issues, such as abortion, designer babies, and stem cell research?

The discourse articulates a holistic worldview entwining religious convictions with ethical perspectives on abortion, designer babies, and stem cell research. The premise posits that an individual’s worth is intricately linked to their beliefs and practices, emphasizing the imperative of individual autonomy within religion, culture, and personal attributes (Saleem, 2019).

The perspective on abortion is explicitly guided by a biblical lens, deeming it ethically unacceptable due to the perceived sanctity of the fetus, aligning with principles discussed in contemporary bioethical debates (Jecker, 2022).

The deliberation on designer babies introduces a nuanced perspective, acknowledging potential harm in gender selection and ethical concerns regarding the predetermination of specific child characteristics (Mifsud & Sammut, 2023). The discourse navigates the intricate balance between perceived benefits and ethical considerations, revealing a complex stance on this contentious issue.

The discussion on stem cell research underscores the acknowledgement of its life-saving potential, strongly emphasising using stem cells from individuals who have already been born or ensuring that research does not infringe upon human life (Jecker, 2022). The Christian viewpoint, grounded in the belief that humans possess limitless inherent value as they are made in God’s image, contributes to the contention that abortion equates to murder and that creating designer babies is ethically problematic (Saleem, 2019).

The discourse concludes with an emphatic opposition to the destruction of human embryos, particularly those resulting from in vitro fertilization procedures, positing it as tantamount to an act of murder (Jecker, 2022). Concerns regarding the fate of stored embryos and the moral predicaments associated with the artificial reproduction industry resonate with ethical considerations prominent in contemporary bioethical discourse.

Acknowledging the intricate interplay between religious beliefs and ethical convictions is imperative. An understanding and appreciation of diverse viewpoints on these complex bioethical matters are essential for fostering a constructive dialogue encompassing both religious perspectives and broader ethical considerations.


Jecker, N. S. (2022, June 23). Abortion and bioethics: Principles to guide U.S. abortion debates. The Conversation.

Mifsud, R., & Sammut, G. (2023). Worldviews and the role of social values that underlie them. PLoS ONE, 18(7), e0288451.

Saleem, J. M. A. (2019). Religious Values and Worldviews. Oxford Research Encyclopedias.