Answer for NRS 445 Compare the differences and similarities between two of the three types of qualitative studies and give an example of each Re: Topic 2 DQ 1

There are different types of qualitative research and l will discuss three which are phenomenology, grounded theory and ethnography research designs. Phenomenology research is ‘used to study people through lived experiences, GCU 2022’ and the main source of data collection are interviews and analysis of words more than numbers for example interviewing nurses about their experience with burnout after working long hours and how they have been coping.

On the other hand the grounded theory research is a collection and analysis of data from interviews and observation for example interviewing patients about their experiences of Myocardial Infarction, whilst ethnography research is the study of people and culture mostly by observation for example how family members cope after they are told that their loved ones chances of survival is low and that since the patient is registered as an organ donor they should consider donating her organs.

The main similarity between these research studies is that all of them use interview as their method of collection and ethnography and phenomenology research use observation as their other method of data collection and the grounded theory uses primarily interviews.

The differences between these theories  are phenomenology studies individuals with shared experiences whilst the ‘grounded theory studies a process, an action or an interaction involving many individuals and ethnographic studies focus es on studying a group that shares the same culture, SAGE 2018’.


SAGE Publications: Comparing the Five Approaches ( page 103- 106), 2018

Angel Falker, Sue Z Green, June Helbig: Nursing Research: Understanding Methods for Best Practice (Second Edition): Grand Canyon University 2022

Ivan Aldrich Utica: Comparisons of Adaptations in Grounded Theory and Phenomenology:  Selecting the Specific Qualitative Research Methodology: International Journal of Qualitative Methods 2021: