Answer for NRS 450 Reflect on a recent patient situation and describe three communication tools that were used to provide quality care Topic 3 DQ 2

In a recent patient scenario, collaboration across various disciplines was paramount to cultivating a strong safety culture. “The attitude of medical staff and their ability to communicate effectively are two of the most important factors that contribute to a good patient experience and high levels of patient satisfaction” (Alder, 2024, para. 2). The interprofessional team, composed of physicians, nurses, and pharmacists, underscored the pivotal role of technology in delivering top-notch patient care. The patient, grappling with severe nausea and vomiting, demanded our immediate attention, especially given the focus on ensuring their comfort in a hospice setting.

Three communication tools were instrumental in elevating the quality of care. Firstly, a secure messaging platform became my lifeline, facilitating fast communication, particularly with the on-call physician. This tool was the key to promptly updating physicians on the patient’s evolving condition, ensuring swift adjustments to the treatment plan. Secure messaging applications are relatively novel tools that solve the pervasive problem of insecure text messaging in clinical practice. However, they have the potential to also improve clinical collaboration, communication, and operational efficiency” (Liu et al., 2019, para. 38).

I took it a step further with video conferencing, creating a dynamic virtual space where I, the PRN nurse, the case manager, and our clinic supervising nurse could collaborate seamlessly. This high-tech rendezvous empowered us to make informed decisions, grounded in a comprehensive understanding of the patient’s needs and current treatment plans. And of course, let’s not forget our online pharmacy where we can request medications and consult with a pharmacist on the fly. Particularly useful on weekends when I’m flying solo. This streamlined system made patient medications readily accessible to the entire team, fostering continuity of care. Physicians could dive into real-time updates, enabling them to make timely adjustments as needed.

These communication tools didn’t just play a supporting role; they were the stars, facilitating rapid information sharing, boosting collaboration, and providing a 360-degree view of the patient’s status. But, as with any technological marvel, there’s room for a tune-up. Take, for instance, the lag between our pharmacy system and EMR—somewhat inconsistent, but occasionally taking up to a frustrating 24 hours to update. Addressing these technological hiccups will undoubtedly propel healthcare teams further in advancing patient safety and overall care quality.

Alder, S. (2024, February 20). Communication tools in nursing. HIPAA Journal.

Liu, X., Sutton, P. R., McKenna, R., Sinanan, M., Fellner, B. J., Leu, M. G., & Ewell, C. (2019). Evaluation of secure messaging applications for a health care system: a case study. Applied Clinical Informatics10(01), 140–150.