Answer for NRS 450 Then, discuss the relevance of each term to nursing practice Topic 1 DQ 1 Nursing Informatics:
Answer for NRS 450 Then, discuss the relevance of each term to nursing practice
Topic 1 DQ 1
Nursing Informatics:
Nursing Informatics can be defined as, “The application of information science and technology to acquire, process, organize, interpret, store, use, and communicate medical data in all of its forms in medical education, prac-tice and research, patient care, and health management.” (Houston et al., 2018) Historically, informatics has been used by organizations to ease the burden of having to keep-up with the, “Demand for managerial sense and logistical planning in healthcare setting.” (Houston et al., 2018)
Informatics Nurse Specialty:
Nursing Informatics (NI) was established as a speciality, because their knowledge and expertise is not only in the field of Nursing, but also in the fields of computer science and the technology which coincides with it. (Houston et al., 2018) In summary, the work they do is similar to those who work in the IT department – the only difference, really, is that their work is specific to the nursing practice. In my opinion.
Clinical Decision Support System (CDSS):
Clinical Decision Support is defined as, “A variety of tools and interventions, computerized as well as non- computerized. Non-computerized tools include clinical guidelines or digital clinical decision support resources.” (Kubben et al., 2018) More or less, the CDSS was established to help providers and organizations to augment areas of need. For example, the amount of data as well as the quality of it constantly changes, and not every institution or provider can keep up with that. So, they would utilize the CDSS as a means of resolution – this could come from consulting third-party services or even defering to a specific department equipped to manage the task.
Mobile Medical Devices:
The term, Mobile Medical Device (MMD), is used to describe, “An instrument, apparatus, implement, machine, contrivance, implant, in vitro reagent, or other similar or related article, including a component part, or accessory which is: intended for use in the diagnosis of disease or other conditions, or in the cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease, in man or other animals, or intended to affect the structure or any function of the body of man or other animals.” (Young, 2020) Examples of a MMD include: Ultrasound machine, X-ray (C-arm) machines, EKG machine, etc…
Houston, S. M., Dieckhaus, T., Kircher, B., & Lardner, M. (2018). An Introduction to Nursing Informatics, Evolution, and Innovation (2nd ed.). Productivity Press.
Kubben, P., Dumontier, M., & Dekker, A. (2018). Fundamentals of Clinical Data Science. Springer.
Young, J. C. (2020). Mobile Medical Devices. SOCRA.