Answer for NRS 460 Discuss the importance of considering not only the physical symptoms but also the psychosocial and emotional aspects of patients with complex disease management Topic 5 DQ 1

Answer for NRS 460 Discuss the importance of considering not only the physical symptoms but also the psychosocial and emotional aspects of patients with complex disease management

Topic 5 DQ 1

Nurses care for patients with physical, psychosocial, and emotional needs. Nurses should ensure that the care they give does not only focus on the physical symptoms but also the emotional and psychosocial aspects of complex disease management. This consideration is important since it promotes holistic nursing care. Holistic care does not consider the physical symptoms but also the other aspects of health such as psychosocial, spiritual, and emotional, which affect patient experiences with a disease. The care also improves the quality of life of patients with complex disease processes (Mandal et al., 2020). Patients also cope better with their conditions, which improves patient and care outcomes.

Nurses can incorporate a holistic approach to caring for patients with complex disease management in several ways. Firstly, nurses can perform comprehensive assessments to identify patient’s physical, psychosocial, emotional, and spiritual needs. The assessments provide data that guides prioritized interventions to meet diverse patients’ needs. For example, nurses not only implement interventions for physical symptoms such as pain but also promote comfort by focusing on care that aligns with patient’s cultural and spiritual needs. Nurses can also collaborate with other healthcare providers as an approach to delivering holistic care (Hawthorne & Gordon, 2020). The involvement of interdisciplinary teams in patient assessment, planning, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of care plans ensures individualized care that addresses prioritized and potential patient needs.

Nurses also adopt effective communication strategies as a way of incorporating a holistic approach to caring for patients with complex diseases. Effective communication strategies such as open communication, feedback provision, and establishing trust enable nurses to understand their patients’ needs better and develop holistic care approaches. In addition, strategies such as empathy, reassurance, and active listening address the psychosocial and emotional needs of the patients, hence, holistic nursing care. Lastly, nurses can be their patients’ advocates as a way of ensuring holistic approaches to their care. Advocacy in nursing entails ensuring that the interventions implemented in the care process are in the best interests of the patients (Hawthorne & Gordon, 2020; Mandal et al., 2020). Nurses can advocate for the rights of their patients, and preferences, and link them with resources, which will ease the disease burden.


Hawthorne, D. M., & Gordon, S. C. (2020). The Invisibility of Spiritual Nursing Care in Clinical Practice. Journal of Holistic Nursing38(1), 147–155.

Mandal, L., Seethalakshmi, A., & Rajendrababu, A. (2020). Rationing of nursing care, a deviation from holistic nursing: A systematic review. Nursing Philosophy21(1), e12257.