Answer for PHI 413 How can the perspective of Christian spirituality influence the way in which you demonstrate compassionate care?

Answer for PHI 413 How can the perspective of Christian spirituality influence the way in which you demonstrate compassionate care?

Re: Topic 1 DQ 1 The theistic religion of Christianity attributes the current state of our world, full of sin and sickness, to Adam and Eve eating from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. It is believed sin, death, disease, and despair flooded the garden of Eden and the world after they were tempted and ate the fruit. Sickness has existed in generations of people since this time.

Through the ideas of redemption and restoration can people practice the values that God wishes for his creations to live by. Eternal salvation was promised after Jesus, a humanly essence of the flawless and perfect God, gave his life for the sins of the world. There is hope to be delivered for those nearing the end of their life or those who continue living in sin. Nurses can be the deliverers of this hope and other ideals which cannot be explained through science. In Angus Menuges Making the Case against Scientism he discusses the contradictory belief of scientism. “According to scientism, science is not a reliable source of information about reality.” (Menuge, 2021). So, when science does fail to deliver answers to those seeking them, and fails to heal those who are inexplicably broken, compassionate care from the Christian perspective is reminding those that they will find eternal peace with God, that they can rest assured in His Word, that their sins have been forgiven.

Compassionate care is also moving and living with love for oneself and others because God first loved us. Matthew 22:36-40, “Flowing from this love and honoring of God comes love of people” (Bogue & Hogan, p. 32, 2022). Following the Bible, a resource within the Christian worldview, we can find guidance on morality and compassion. The Bible outlines the ways in which God prefers us to live. This worldview is structured and precise and truly alters the way in which a person practices and views medicine and the world.


Bogue, D.W., & Hogan, M. (2022). Chapter 1: Foundational issues in Christian spirituality and ethics. (In Practicing Dignity: An Introduction to Christian values and decision-making in health care). URL: Grand Canyon University – Digital Resources (

Menuge, Angus (2021). Making the Case against Scientism. Logia, 30(3), 27-34.