Mrs. William, a 75-year-old patient is with her daughter for a follow-up visit. At her previous office visit, her daughter expressed concerns about her mother’s increasing forgetfulness. You send Mrs. William for neuropsychiatric testing. She is diagnosed with mild dementia, and the patient and family would like to discuss treatment options.

Mrs. William, a 75-year-old patient is with her daughter for a follow-up visit. At her previous office visit, her daughter expressed concerns about her mother’s…

An obese patient, age 45, comes to your office. She recently moved from another state three weeks ago and told you that her FNP diagnosed her with type 2 diabetes mellitus. She is currently not on any medicine for her diabetes, and she wishes to avoid insulin, if possible. She is a non-smoker. Her blood pressure is 138/74 mmHg.

  Labs from 3-weeks ago was hemoglobin A1C = 8.4%; total cholesterol = 260 mg/dL, triglycerides = 290 mg/dL, HDL = 49 mg/dL, LDL =…

Discussion Prompt Part 1:  Choose a condition from the following case studies: (Week 4 Case Studies). You may work in small groups of up to 3 students if desired. Part 2: Answer the following questions Discuss what are the potential treatments for this child’s diagnosis What antibiotic/s should be given for this patient’s diagnosis?

Discussion Prompt Part 1:  Choose a condition from the following case studies: (Week 4 Case Studies). You may work in small groups of up to 3…

Eric Johnson is a 21-year-old Caucasian male in his senior year of college. The patient has a history of seasonal allergies. He does not remember what his allergist told him to take for his allergies in the past. He wants to know what he can take. He presents to the clinic today with complaints of a stuffy nose, shortness of breath, a fever TMAX 102 at home, and a productive cough.

Discussion Prompt Post your answers to the 5 questions corresponding to this week’s content on primary care medication management. Provide your responses and rationales. Support…

You are a new FNP in a restricted state and have your DEA license, and state furnishing for schedule II-V controlled substances. You are working at a busy family practice group, and you have a patient, ML, that is establishing care for the first time with your practice and comes to you with the following scenario: ML is a 54 y.o. Hispanic female with hx of chronic shoulder and back pain that began 10 years ago when she was in a boating accident.

Discussion Prompt You are a new FNP in a restricted state and have your DEA license, and state furnishing for schedule II-V controlled substances. You…

A 75-year-old woman develops symptoms of a cold and buys an over-the-counter cold medication at the grocery store. The medication contains diphenhydramine, acetaminophen, and phenylephrine. She takes the recommended adult dose but soon after taking the medication, she becomes very confused and disoriented. Q3. What is likely causing the signs of confusion?

Question 3 The woman’s signs of confusion are due to diphenhydramine in the cold medication. This element has a sedative effect and is known to…

A 70-year-old woman is in your office complaining of recently having trouble maintaining her balance after taking diazepam (valium). She occasionally takes diazepam when she feels anxious and has trouble sleeping. She has a 15-year history of taking diazepam. Q1. Explain the cause of this patient’s difficulty in maintaining her balance? Q2. Diazepam experiences a significant first-pass effect. What is the first-pass effect, and how can first-pass metabolism be circumvented?

Question 1 The patient’s difficulty maintaining her balance is due to the side effects of diazepam. Diazepam is a central nervous system depressant that can…