for HCA 620 Search the GCU Library on the following topic: Operational Plan Re: Topic 7 DQ 1
A literature search of the topic, Operation Plan, was done. It became evident that operation plan is a roadmap that guides the realization of the overall goals of an organization. It gives insights into the strategies that are needed to achieve the overall mission of an organization. It also encompasses the daily routines that are needed for the goals of an activity to be achieved. The search also showed that the operational plan answers the questions what, how, who, and when. It provides information related to what should be achieved, by whom, how, and when they should be realized. The search also revealed the elements of an operational plan. The search showed that the first element of operational planning is beginning with a strategic plan. This was not included in the CLC since the structure chosen did not have a place for it. It is followed by focusing on the most important goals to be achieved in an organization. I would say that this was included in the mission and vision statements of the CLC Business plan. The third element is the development of leading indicators that aid in the realization of the planned goals. The other element is communication, which was included in the CLC business plan (Martin, 2019). There should be open communication between the implementers of the strategies.
The last element is leadership, which was included in the CLC. There should be facilitative leadership to guide the realization of the goals of the operational plan. The search also yielded the benefits of the operational plan. According to the results, operational planning is important because it provides the organizational stakeholders with a better understanding of their tasks, responsibilities and their alignment with the planned goals. It also guides in the implementation of strategies in the strategic plan that would result in the realization of the expected outcomes (Turner, 2019). These aspects related to operational planning are included in my CLC Business Plan. Therefore, I intend to learn about the further to enhance my understanding of the topic.
Martin, B. C. (2019). Strategic planning in healthcare: An introduction for health professionals. New York, NY : Springer Publishing Company.
Turner, P. (2019). Leadership in Healthcare: Delivering Organisational Transformation and Operational Excellence. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan.