Importance and Use of E-Portfolio for Advanced Practice Nurses

Jennie Long NR-512 Fundamentals of Nursing Informatics January 2019

Definition of E-Portfolio for Graduate Students

  • Graduate Student in Higher Education: An E-Portfolio is an electronic collection of evidence that demonstrates your learning journey over time. It serves as a dynamic tool to showcase your progress, achievements, and reflections throughout your academic career (Ring, Waugaman, & Brackett, 2017).

Definition of E-Portfolio for Advanced Practice Nurses

  • Advanced Practice Nurse: An E-Portfolio for an Advanced Practice Nurse (APN) is a curated collection of evidence-based artifacts that highlight an individual’s ability to perform, grow, and develop professionally within their chosen field. It serves as a record of ongoing professional development and expertise (Ring, Waugaman, & Brackett, 2017).

Importance and Use of E-Portfolio for Graduate Students in Higher Education

  • Evaluate Learning Progress and Achievement: E-Portfolios allow students and educators to track learning progress and assess achievement over time, providing a clear picture of academic growth.
  • Application of Knowledge: They help educators determine whether students can effectively apply what they have learned in practical and theoretical contexts.
  • Student Ownership of Learning: E-Portfolios encourage students to take ownership and responsibility for their learning process, fostering a sense of accountability and self-direction.
  • Improved Communication: By organizing and presenting their work, students can improve communication with educators and peers, facilitating feedback and collaboration.
  • Enhanced Self-Confidence: Reflecting on achievements and progress within an E-Portfolio can boost students’ self-confidence, reinforcing their academic and personal growth (Kilroy, 2017).

Importance and Use of E-Portfolio for Advanced Practice Nurses

  • Lifelong Learning: E-Portfolios document the continuous learning and professional development of APNs, demonstrating a commitment to staying current in their field.
  • Showcase Talents and Skills: They provide a platform for APNs to showcase their unique talents, skills, and professional achievements, which can be valuable for career advancement.
  • Enhancing Self-Confidence: As APNs reflect on their professional journey and achievements, E-Portfolios can enhance self-confidence by providing a tangible record of their growth and accomplishments.
  • Individuality and Credentials: E-Portfolios illustrate the individuality of the nurse, allowing them to present their credentials, certifications, and other professional milestones in a personalized manner (Kilroy, 2017).