NR 602 MIDTERM EXAM Chamberlain College of Nursing Course Code: NR602 Course Title: Primary Care of the Childbearing and Childrearing Family


  1. Role-play with equipment during the course of a physical examination would be most beneficial with which of the following groups?
    • Preschoolers/Toddlers
  2. What is the Ortolani Sign?
    • Assesses for congenital hip dysplasia
  3. When performing a physical examination of a toddler, which of the following body parts should be examined last?
    • Ears and throat
  4. What are three findings using Jones criteria for Rheumatic Fever?
    • Streptococcal infection, carditis, and erythema marginatum
  5. While examining a 4-month-old boy, you are unable to palpate one of his testes. The next most appropriate step is:
    • Refer the child to a urologist
  6. Concurrent Otitis media and Conjunctivitis is likely due to which pathogen?
    • Haemophilus influenzae
  7. What is the appropriate management of a child with asthma who presents with acute wheezing and/or coughing?
    • Administer a short-acting beta agonist
  8. Sandra, age 12, has several vesicles and honey-colored crusted lesions on her face above the right nares. She has a history of having a bad scratch in the same area several days ago. What condition do you suspect?
    • Impetigo
  9. The most appropriate management of a 5-year-old with a firm, nontender nodule in the mid-upper eyelid for 3 weeks would be:
    • Topical ophthalmic ointment
  10. A 10-month-old child has been diagnosed with gastroenteritis. He attends a child care facility. What is the most likely cause of illness?
    • Rotavirus
  11. If a child or any patient describes a “pop” in the knee, what is this indicative of?
    • Anterior cruciate ligament tear
  12. A 7-year-old African American female presents with several hyperkeratotic raised, periungual lesions on the two middle fingers of her left hand. She has a history of nail biting. The most likely diagnosis is:
    • Verruca vulgaris
  13. Management of scoliosis depends on the severity of the curve as well as the age of the child. Which of the following would require surgical intervention?
    • Thoracic curve greater than 50 degrees or lumbar curve greater than 40 degrees.
  14. Treatment of true central precocious puberty is best achieved with:
    • Gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist
  15. Baby Sally was in your office last week for her 6-month checkup. Her weight was 7 kg. Today she presents with diarrhea and vomiting for 4 days. Today her weight is 6.5 kg. What is her percentage of dehydration?
    • 7%
  16. Which of the following would be the most appropriate initial management of a newborn diagnosed with developmental dysplasia of the hip?
    • Pavlik harness
  17. When considering catch-up vaccination in children for IPV vaccinations, it is important to understand that which of the following is NOT a consideration when administering the vaccine?
    • IPV can be given routinely beyond the age of 18 years in the U.S.
  18. An essential test in the evaluation of a 2-year-old being managed for Kawasaki disease is:
    • An echocardiogram
  19. A 4-week-old presents to your office in mid-January with a 1-week history of nasal congestion and occasional cough. On the evening prior to this visit, the infant developed a temperature of 102, refused to breastfeed, and had proximal coughing and noisy, labored breathing. On exam, you note an ill-appearing infant who is lethargic with tachypnea. The most likely diagnosis is:
    • RSV bronchiolitis
  20. What needs to be included when educating parents about febrile seizures?
    • Children may experience repeated seizures
  21. A 4-year-old boy is brought in by his mother, who is concerned about the sudden onset of a painful limp in his right leg 2 days ago. Today he has a low-grade fever. Which of the following diagnoses is most likely?
    • Transient synovitis of the hip
  22. In addition to penicillin, all of the following antibiotics can be used to treat strep pharyngitis EXCEPT:
    • Bactrim
  23. Primary dysmenorrhea is due to:
    • Elevated prostaglandin levels
  24. Which behavior would NOT be expected in a two-year-old?
    • Draws a circle