NR393 Course Project Phase 2: Conversation with the Selected Nurse Template


Directions: Prior to completing this conversation, carefully review the directions, tutorial, and rubric for this assignment. Replace “Name of Student” with your first and last name. Replace “Name of Selected Nurse” with the Selected Nurse’s first and last name. Use exact words spoken by each person if using this as a transcript. Highlighted italicized questions need to be stated exactly.

Selected Nurse States Verbal Permission for Conversation and Submission (25 points)

Student Name: [Your Full Name]

Introduction: Student Introduction and Statement of Purpose (20 points)

Name of Student: [Words Student says]

Selected Nurse Introduction (20 points)

Name of Selected Nurse: [Words Nurse says]

Selected Nurse States Verbal Permission for Conversation and Submission (25 points)

Name of Student: Do you agree to this recorded conversation and submission to my instructor for grading purposes?

Name of Selected Nurse: [Words Nurse says, e.g., “Yes, I agree.”]

NR393 Course Project Phase 2: Conversation with the Selected Nurse Template

Student Name: Kathleen Martinez


Student Introduction and Statement of Purpose (20 points)

Kathleen Martinez (Student): Hi Jeanette, thank you for taking the time to speak with me today. As part of my Nursing History course, I need to conduct an interview with a nurse who has significantly contributed to the field of nursing. The purpose of this conversation is to learn more about your experiences and insights as a nurse and to submit our conversation as part of my coursework. This discussion will help me better understand the history and evolution of nursing practices through your personal experiences.

Selected Nurse Introduction (20 points)

Jeanette Gonzalez (Selected Nurse): Hi Kathleen, it’s a pleasure to speak with you today. I’m happy to share my experiences and contribute to your project. I’ve been in the nursing profession for 20 years, and I’ve seen a lot of changes and advancements that have shaped how we care for patients today.

Selected Nurse States Verbal Permission for Conversation and Submission (25 points)

Kathleen Martinez (Student): Do you agree to this recorded conversation and submission to my instructor for grading purposes?

Jeanette Gonzalez (Selected Nurse): Yes, I agree.

Interview Questions and Responses

Kathleen Martinez (Student): Can you tell me what initially inspired you to pursue a career in nursing?

Jeanette Gonzalez (Selected Nurse): I was inspired to become a nurse because of my mother. She was a nurse herself, and growing up, I watched her care for patients with such compassion and dedication. I knew from a young age that I wanted to follow in her footsteps and make a difference in people’s lives.

Kathleen Martinez (Student): How has your nursing practice evolved over the years, particularly with the changes in healthcare technology and patient care practices?

Jeanette Gonzalez (Selected Nurse): When I first started, we relied heavily on paper charts and manual processes. Over the years, the integration of electronic health records and other technologies has drastically changed how we document and deliver care. While it was a challenging transition, it has greatly improved the efficiency and accuracy of our work. Additionally, I’ve had to continuously update my skills to stay current with these advancements, which has made me a more adaptable and knowledgeable nurse.

Kathleen Martinez (Student): What do you consider to be your most significant achievement in your nursing career?

Jeanette Gonzalez (Selected Nurse): One of my proudest achievements was receiving the Daisy Award for my work in the specialty clinics. It was an honor to be recognized by my peers and patients for the compassionate care I provide. This award reminded me of why I entered this profession in the first place – to make a positive impact on people’s lives.

Kathleen Martinez (Student): How do you maintain compassion and empathy in your work, especially when dealing with difficult situations or patients?

Jeanette Gonzalez (Selected Nurse): It’s definitely challenging at times, but I always try to put myself in the patient’s shoes. I remind myself that they’re going through something difficult, and it’s my job to help them feel cared for and supported. Taking a moment to connect with each patient on a personal level, even if it’s just through a kind word or a smile, goes a long way in maintaining that compassion and empathy.

Kathleen Martinez (Student): What advice would you give to new nurses entering the field today?

Jeanette Gonzalez (Selected Nurse): My advice would be to never stop learning and always stay curious. Nursing is a field that’s constantly evolving, and it’s important to stay updated with the latest practices and technologies. Also, take care of yourself. Nursing can be demanding, and self-care is crucial to avoid burnout. Lastly, always remember why you chose this profession – to care for others – and let that be your guiding principle.


Kathleen Martinez (Student): Thank you so much, Jeanette, for sharing your experiences and insights with me. This conversation has been incredibly valuable, and I’m grateful for the opportunity to learn from your journey in nursing.

Jeanette Gonzalez (Selected Nurse): You’re very welcome, Kathleen. I’m glad I could help, and I wish you all the best in your nursing career.