NR393 nursing history Course Project Milestone 3 Template completed samples NR393 Nursing History Course Project Milestone 3 Template


Student Name: Alicia Ellett

Assignment Criteria:


Student Introduction and Statement of Purpose (30 points)

Alicia: Good afternoon, Kathy. My name is Alicia Ellett. I’d like to thank you for giving me the opportunity to interview you today. As I mentioned before, the purpose of this interview is for a course I am taking through Chamberlain College. The date is Monday, August 13th, 2018, and it’s approximately 9 PM. We are in the conference room of 3South at Good Samaritan Hospital. I’ve asked you for this interview because you have been a nurse for over 40 years, and I believe you have invaluable knowledge and experience to share about how nursing has changed over the years.

Nurse Introduction (30 points)

Alicia: Today, I will be interviewing Katherine Lay, who is an RN and holds a BSN. Kathy has been a nurse for over 40 years and has worked in a variety of med-surg settings at Lancaster General Hospital, including orthopedics, oncology, urology, and cardiac units.

Nurse States Verbal Permission for Interview and Submission (30 points)

Alicia: Kathy, before we begin, I would like to ask for your verbal permission to interview you, document your responses, and submit this to my faculty for grading purposes.

Kathy: Yes, that’s fine. You have my permission.

Questions and Answers:

Primary Question 1:

Alicia: Let’s start with the first question, Kathy. What are some of your favorite memories from nursing school?

Kathy: My favorite memories were probably the clinical days. They were exciting and scary all at once. For me, it was the carrot that kept me wanting to do the hard work because I knew it would lead me to bedside care. My favorite memory is the first time I had to provide bedside care, and I froze. I was walking past a patient to begin my med administration (he was a psych patient), and I thought I was prepared. I thought nothing could scare me, but when I first approached my patient, he threw a cup at me. I didn’t know what it was at the time, and I froze and bolted out of the room. Everything I had learned went out the window. My instructor marched me right back in and told me to get a grip.

Follow-up a:

Alicia: What were some of your favorite classes in nursing school?

Kathy: The college I attended required a year and a half of mandatory and elective classes before starting the school of nursing. My favorite classes, then and throughout college, were the social sciences: sociology, philosophy, religion, and especially psychology. I also liked anatomy and physiology. Once I was accepted into the nursing program, my favorite classes were pathophysiology. I loved studying diseases and their treatments.

Follow-up b:

Alicia: How did your classmates or instructors impact your development as a nurse?

Kathy: The department head of the nursing school, Dr. Rena Lawrence, was a phenomenal instructor and mentor. She encouraged, motivated, and led by example. Her evaluations were tough but honest and fair. In my opinion, she encapsulated everything I wanted to become as a nurse, except for the “Dr.” part. While I consider myself a lifelong learner, I never aspired to go beyond my BSN education.

Primary Question 2:

Alicia: How have you improved the quality of nursing practice during your career?

Kathy: I believe I’ve improved the quality of nursing through the care I provide. I strive to better myself as a nurse every day. I take pride in what I do and try to improve in areas I feel are weaknesses. Technology has changed throughout my career, and as you know, Alicia, I’m not afraid to ask questions. Sometimes I have to look to the younger generations for assistance, and I’m not ashamed of that. I even ask you for help at times. I’ve learned to keep up with the times to provide better care. I admit when I don’t understand something and find the resources I need to get the answers. I serve as a patient advocate, especially when mentoring new nurses. My job is to educate them and make them feel welcome. When I serve as charge nurse, I look out for other nurses and ensure their workload is acceptable while always considering patient safety. I hope I lead by example, which contributes to improved quality care.

Follow-up a:

Alicia: What have been some major changes throughout your career in nursing?

Kathy: I’ve seen so many changes over the past forty years. Patient care delivery models have shifted. When I first graduated, team nursing prevailed, with LPNs and nurse aides responsible for 15-20 patients. Initially, only RNs could give medications, and a large part of your shift was spent doing this. When LPNs became proficient in med administration, care delivery transitioned to primary nursing, with RNs responsible for the care of their assigned patients and oversight of the LPNs’ care. Recently, we’ve seen a shift to an RN-based primary care model in the acute care setting. Technology has played the biggest role in these changes, touching every aspect of patient care, from diagnostics and treatments to assessment, documentation, and communication. It has increased the information available to providers and the speed at which new information is accessible. It has allowed us as nurses to track progress more efficiently during a patient’s acute stay and through the healthcare continuum. Changes in reimbursement models have also impacted our practice. The focus is now on healthcare improvement, which has led to evidence-based standardization of care. These pathways have impacted our patients’ length of stay and shifted attention to outcomes and patient satisfaction. Healthcare improvement initiatives have greatly impacted our practice and are directed at patient safety, reducing medication errors, and preventing unnecessary injuries and infections.

Follow-up b:

Alicia: What are some personal or professional achievements you would like to share?

Kathy: After four years into my career, my husband and I started a family, and I changed my status. I first went part-time and then per diem. I only did this when it first became an option, which I believe was in 1991. Family has been my greatest accomplishment. Nursing is tough and always challenging, but raising a family and balancing a career is even tougher. Raising kids is unpredictable, and there’s no book on how to be a parent. Although I’ve had many accomplishments in my career, nothing compares to raising three daughters and now being a grandmother. Motherhood is a blessing, and I’ve learned through my career that you must step back and enjoy the simple things in life.

Primary Question 3:

Alicia: What areas of nursing have you worked in, and which area is your favorite and why?

Kathy: The first six years after I graduated were spent working in various med-surg settings at Lancaster General Hospital. During this time, LGH engaged in an initiative to group patients geographically based on the admitting group. I worked on three different units and had exposure to orthopedics, oncology, urology, and cardiac patients. I worked with a team that would periodically fill in for the ostomy nurse and served on a few committees. After six years, I was ready to move on, but most local hospitals had hiring freezes. My goal was to stay in hospital nursing, so I expanded my search and found a job at Good Samaritan Hospital ICU/CCU. At that time, I had never considered a critical care position, partly due to fear of critically ill patients and partly due to the admiration and respect I had for ICU nurses. The GSH unit had 12 beds and worked with lines and vents, but this was before invasive diagnostic and interventional cardiology, interventional radiology, balloon pumps, and open hearts. The staff was so welcoming and supportive, and my preceptor helped me navigate the complex medical and emotional needs of acutely ill patients. I quickly realized that med-surg never allowed such nurse-to-patient ratios, and I found my happy place as a patient advocate, which is one of my favorite roles as a nurse.

Follow-up a:

Alicia: Do you intend to switch areas in nursing? Why or why not?

Kathy: That’s the beauty of nursing—you don’t ever have to stay in one area. Right now, I’m content, and I hope to stay per diem and perhaps retire for good soon. But I enjoy practicing, and I haven’t convinced myself that it’s time to throw in the towel just yet. I don’t have a reason to switch areas right now; I’m content.

Follow-up b:

Alicia: What made you pursue the area you currently work in, and why?

Kathy: The medical staff was courteous, willing to teach, and open to input from other nurses. It allowed us to work autonomously within parameters. I could think critically and give voice to the clinical decision-making that my instructors had worked so hard to develop in me.

Primary Question 4:

Alicia: How have you contributed to the profession of nursing and nursing history?

Kathy: I hope I’ve contributed positively. Anytime there’s been a change, I’ve evolved as a nurse, and I hope I’ve given back to the profession by sharing my experiences and knowledge over the past 40 years. I put my all into everything I do, and I hope to inspire future generations of nurses.

Follow-up a:

Alicia: Why has work in the area you work in now become your passion?

Kathy: I love the population I’m working with right now. I love that I’m still able to work and hope to continue making a difference. I love working with the heart, and working on this cardiac unit has been a rollercoaster. I love the challenge. The drugs we use today are constantly evolving. This area is different from other floors because it requires you to think on your feet. As you know, the heart can be very unforgiving and requires quick thinking. It keeps me young, in a sense, and keeps my brain sharp. There’s something exciting about problem-solving.

Follow-up b:

Alicia: What professional objectives did you set out to complete, and have you met them?

Kathy: My professional objectives when I first graduated were to expand my knowledge base and skill set, gain confidence in my decision-making ability, time management, and prioritization, and serve as a patient advocate.

Primary Question 5:

Alicia: Who is your favorite nurse in nursing history?

Kathy: Of course, I’d have to say Florence Nightingale because she responded to a calling that, at the time, wasn’t even considered a profession. She’s the reason you and I are here today. Florence made nursing a respected profession. I also admire Edith Cavell, who contributed to hospitals by promoting standards of improvement and pushing for nurses to provide patients with quality care. This is something I’m passionate about. Like her, I strive to treat others with respect and hope never to discriminate when caring for a patient. Like Edith, I was taught great principles by my parents, and I feel she stood by her principles and beliefs.

Follow-up a:

Alicia: What or who influenced you to pursue a career in nursing?

Kathy: My favorite nurse was my mother, even though I never witnessed her functioning in that role. She worked as a pediatric and private duty nurse and served as an army nurse during World War II. She worked in my father’s medical practice until she started her family. Even though she left nursing when she started her family, she never stopped using her nursing judgment and knowledge. She raised three boys, two of whom were diabetic, and a girl. My mother never lost interest in new advances in medical or nursing care and led by word and example the benefits of a healthy lifestyle.

Follow-up b:

Alicia: From what you’ve learned throughout your career, what do you hope to teach or pass on?

Kathy: I hope to maintain my flexibility and teach others that change is inevitable. We must adapt to technological advances and research-based guidelines. I hope to be supportive of the next generation of nurses and recognize and honor the contributions of all nurses who have played a vital role in shaping the nurse I’ve become. I hope I can continue to contribute to my unit by providing feedback to nursing leadership and serving as a resource for co-workers. I hope our floor works toward unit goals and quality management, and I hope to support and recognize our healthcare system in the community for the quality of care we provide.


Gratitude (20 points)

Alicia: Kathy, I think I’ve asked all the questions I had, and I want to thank you for taking the time to sit with me and answer my questions. I want you to know that I look up to you and have always admired the nurse you are. You are a wealth of knowledge, and I’m always appreciative of your teachings and guidance in my career. I’ve learned so much from you and about you. I can’t thank you enough for all your contributions, past and present, and I hope to one day be half the nurse you are. Thank you again for your time.

Learning (20 points)

Alicia: I’ve learned a great deal from Kathy. I’ve learned that change is inevitable, and like her, I’ll need to adapt in this ever-changing field. I’ve learned that one never stops learning, and we can grow in many aspects. Flexibility is key, and openness to new ideas and change can guide me in a long, happy career. Nursing is a vast field that allows us to transform ourselves time and time again. Kathy is a wealth of knowledge, and I have even more respect for what she does and continues to do.