NR451 iCARE paper Wk 5 iCARE Paper Chamberlain College of Nursing NR451 


Introduction to iCARE in Nursing

As an acute care clinician nurse specializing in dialysis treatments within a hospital setting, the iCARE framework—encompassing Compassion, Advocacy, Resilience, and Evidence-Based Practice—serves as a cornerstone of our practice. We utilize a primary team care model, which empowers us to deliver the highest quality of direct care with a significant level of autonomy. This model allows us to collaborate closely with primary nurses, nephrologists, and other interdisciplinary team members to optimize clinical outcomes for our patients. By integrating the principles of iCARE, we enhance patient-centered care, improve teamwork, and ensure that our interventions are both compassionate and grounded in the latest evidence.

One area where we can further improve is by facilitating the continuity of care, particularly in the transition of dialysis treatments from the acute hospital setting to outpatient chronic care. This continuity is crucial for maintaining patient well-being and ensuring that the benefits of in-hospital treatments are sustained over the long term.

Compassion in Nursing Practice

Compassionate care is fundamental to nursing, especially when combined with effective collaboration within a multidisciplinary team. Compassion in nursing goes beyond achieving positive clinical outcomes; it is about fostering a deep connection with patients and their families, which in turn enhances trust, compliance, and overall satisfaction. Compassion also plays a vital role in creating a synchronized workflow and a safe, supportive work environment for healthcare professionals.

In our practice, we demonstrate compassion through building therapeutic relationships with our patients and their families. This involves active listening, addressing their concerns, and providing them with clear, reassuring information. Such interactions not only ease the patient’s anxiety during treatments but also contribute to better clinical outcomes by promoting adherence to treatment regimens.

According to Aagard & Biles (2018), compassion in nursing is characterized by an approach that involves caring, listening, and building rapport. By prioritizing these elements in our daily practice, we ensure that our patients feel valued and supported, which is crucial for their emotional and physical recovery. Furthermore, compassion helps to bridge the gap between different members of the healthcare team, fostering a collaborative environment where patient care is optimized.