NRNP 6531: Advanced Practice Care of Adults Across the Lifespan

NRNP 6531: Advanced Practice Care of Adults Across the Lifespan

Course Introduction

Welcome to NRNP 6531: Advanced Practice Care of Adults Across the Lifespan

As an advanced practice nurse interacting with patients, families, doctors, nurses, and specialists, it is important to understand the vital role of teamwork. In order for patients to receive the care they need, there must be effective collaboration and communication between all stakeholders involved. As you diagnose, treat, manage, and educate patients, you are responsible for ensuring patient safety and maintaining ethical behavior. This course is designed to support this role by increasing your understanding of the domains of practice, as well as the evaluation and management of conditions for adults across the lifespan.

In this course, you focus on various systemic conditions that are commonly seen in clinical settings. You will complete a series of case studies using the i-Human software application and its i-Human Patients (IHP) Case Player, which enables you to interact with virtual avatar patients for the purpose of learning patient assessment and differential diagnostic reasoning skills. With IHP, you will be able to independently interview, examine, diagnose, evaluate treatment options, and create appropriate treatment plans for virtual patients, as well as receive expert feedback on your performance. Additionally, you consider strategies for educating patients about their conditions, as well as treatment and management adherence. By developing an in-depth understanding of these concepts, you better prepare yourself for assuming the role of the provider in clinical settings.

Welcome to NRNP 6531: Advanced Practice Care of Adults Across the Lifespan