NRS 445 For this discussion question, you will create a clinical guiding question known as a PICOT question
Many aggressive patients are at risk of injuries to themselves and that of the team members. This discussion seeks to check both qualitative and quantitative articles in relation to this PICOT question about restraints.
In adult patients with aggressive altered mental status in the intensive care unit, what influences the decision to apply physical restraint and chemical restraints to protect them from falls and injuries compared with to not putting them in any restraints during hospital stay.
In quantitative research at the intensive care a total of 109 patients were put in restraints in the unit. Out of this 47 were given chemical restraints while 59 were not. The goal was to protect these patients from injuries. The research conclude that poor communication and other factors influenced team members decision to use restraints.
In qualitative research to Identifying the factors that lead to a patient put in physical or chemical restraint in the management of psychomotor agitation on the critical care unit. A population of 23 studies were reviewed and the findings published. It was realized the decision to put a patient in restraints emanate from the team members especially the nurses. It also concluded that there is wide distinction in the use of restraints and many factors are associated with a change in a patient’s behavior and those underlining causes must also be determining in some cases.
Teece, A., Baker, J., & Smith, H. (2020). Identifying determinants for the application of physical or chemical restraint in the management of psychomotor agitation on the critical care unit. Journal of clinical nursing, 29(1-2), 5-19.
Langley, G., Schmollgruber, S., & Egan, A. (2011). Restraints in intensive care units—a mixed method study. Intensive and Critical Care Nursing, 27(2), 67-75.