NRS 445 Using a quantitative research article from one of the previous topics, analyze the p-value Re: Topic 4 DQ 1 In a quantitative study Aspects

NRS 445 Using a quantitative research article from one of the previous topics, analyze the p-value

Re: Topic 4 DQ 1

In a quantitative study Aspects of Prevention of Urinary Tract Infections Associated with Urinary Bladder Catheterizations and Their Implementation in Nursing Practice. (Krocová, J., & Prokešová, R. 2022). The aim was assessment of the implementation of CAUTI preventive measures in nursing practice and a sample of 186 random nurses allocated to answer either a standardized questionnaire or non-standardized questionnaire. Non-standardized questions were designed to establish whether the selected methods of quality improvement in nursing care were implemented in the hospitals in the Czech Republic with a focus on CAUTI prevention. (Krocová, J., & Prokešová, R. 2022).

After the data collected, the results showed nurses confirmed clear indications for urinary bladder catheterization, as defined by standard internal regulations, in 58% of cases, with partial agreement observed in 17.3% of instances (χ² = 7.62413; p = 0.0221025). According to Wasserstein, R. L., & Lazar, N. A. (2016), P value represents the probability, for a given statistical model that, when the null hypothesis is true, the statistical summary would be equal to or more extreme than the actual observed results and a P value < 0.05 is the mostly considered gold standard. (Nahm. F. S., 2017). All the p values obtained were withing the P <0.005 therefore it was very significant to the study findings.

Furthermore, general nurses who believe that they can voice their opinion or are competent to evaluate the indication for urinary bladder catheterization state significantly more often that if they express their opinion it is respected by the physician (x2 = 84.445; p ≤ 0.001). (Krocová, J., & Prokešová, R. 2022).

To summarize, the study showed that nurses confirmed clearly determined indications (e.g., by a standard, internal regulation) for urinary bladder catheterization in 58% of cases, while partial agreement was given by 17.3% (x2= 7.62413; p = 0.0221025). However, nurses using reminders on catheterizations as part of their electronic documentation perform regular re-evaluations of the indication for catheterization once in 24 h significantly more often. (Krocová, J., & Prokešová, R. 2022)

Numerous factors influence the generalizability of a study. These include sample selection, population characteristics, and the research methods or design employed. For a study’s results to be generalizable, they must accurately represent the target population and sample size that the study aims to address, as well as employ a research methodology that minimizes bias..


Krocová, J., & Prokešová, R. (2022, January). Aspects of prevention of urinary tract infections associated with urinary bladder catheterisation and their implementation in nursing practice. In Healthcare (Vol. 10, No. 1, p. 152). MDPI.

Peel, K. L. (2020). A beginner’s guide to applied educational research using thematic analysis. Practical Assessment Research and Evaluation, 25(1).