PICOT Question: In adults diagnosed with schizophrenia in a psychiatric outpatient setting (P), how does integrated care involving both antipsychotic medication and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)(I) compared to antipsychotic medication alone (C) in improving symptoms and quality of life (O) over six months (T)?

2. How important is the concept of validity when discussing the qualitative method?

PICOT Question: In adults diagnosed with schizophrenia in a psychiatric outpatient setting (P), how does integrated care involving both antipsychotic medication and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)(I) compared to antipsychotic medication alone (C) in improving symptoms and quality of life (O) over six months (T)?

Qualitative methods, such as patient interviews, could provide insight into personal experiences, adherence challenges, and perceptions of well-being (Gray & Grove, 2021). In qualitative research, the concept of a control group is generally not a factor because the focus is on exploring lived experiences rather than measuring differences between interventions. Qualitative studies aim to understand behaviors, attitudes, and perspectives, which are inherently subjective (Kim & Park, 2023). In contrast, quantitative research does relay on controlled variables and statistical comparisons, qualitative research figures out the meaning and context through interviews, focus groups, and thematic analysis. For example, a qualitative study related to the PICOT question could involve interviewing patients undergoing both treatment methods to explore their perspectives on therapy effectiveness, emotional well-being, and challenges with adherence. This insight complements quantitative findings, offering a comprehensive understanding of treatment efficacy beyond statistical outcomes (Guo et al., 2023).

In qualitative research, validity is crucial to ensure that the findings accurately represent the participants’ experiences and perspectives. Establishing validity involves strategies such as triangulation, member checking, and maintaining a reflexive journal to strengthen the reliability and credibility of the data (Kim & Park, 2023). By integrating these approaches, the study can provide a comprehensive understanding of how combined antipsychotic medication and CBT impact individuals with schizophrenia, ensuring that the results are both reliable and applicable to real-world settings.


Gray, J.R., & Grove, S.K. (2021). The practice of nursing research: Appraisal,

synthesis, and generation of evidence (9th ed.). Elsevier

Guo, X., Zhai, J., Liu, Z., Fang, M., Wang, B., Wang, C., Hu, B., Sun, X., Lv, L., Lu, Z., Ma, C.,