Post TANIC Self-Assessment and Reflection  Chamberlain College of Nursing NR599: Nursing Informatics for Advanced Practice




In the rapidly evolving field of healthcare, the integration of technology has become indispensable. Informatics plays a crucial role in shaping healthcare practices, improving patient care, and ensuring ethical decision-making concerning patients’ sensitive healthcare data. The TANIC (Technology Informatics Guiding Education Reform) Self-Assessment is a valuable tool for evaluating a healthcare professional’s competency in nursing informatics. This reflection will compare my competency levels from the Week 2 Self-Assessment to the Post-TANIC Self-Assessment conducted in Week 7, identify competencies beneficial for my future role as an Advanced Practice Nurse (APN), and highlight the competencies achieved during this course.

Comparison of Competency Levels: Week 2 vs. Week 7

The Week 2 Self-Assessment provided a baseline measurement of my competencies in nursing informatics, highlighting areas where I needed improvement. At the beginning of the course, I recognized that my knowledge of specific informatics tools and ethical decision-making processes related to healthcare data was limited. Throughout the course, focused learning and practical application of concepts have significantly enhanced my understanding and skill set.

By Week 7, my Post-TANIC Self-Assessment revealed a marked improvement in several key areas. For instance, I have gained a deeper understanding of electronic health records (EHRs), data management, and the ethical considerations associated with informatics technologies. My ability to analyze and interpret healthcare data has also improved, reflecting a higher competency level in making informed decisions that impact patient care. This growth is a testament to the course’s effectiveness in providing the necessary knowledge and tools to excel in the field of nursing informatics.

For more resources on enhancing nursing competencies in informatics, visit Our platform offers comprehensive guides and tools for advancing your skills in nursing informatics.

Beneficial Competencies for Future Role as an APN

Two competencies stand out as particularly beneficial for my future role as an APN: data management and ethical decision-making in informatics.

  1. Data Management: As an APN, the ability to effectively manage and interpret healthcare data is crucial. This competency allows for evidence-based decision-making, which directly impacts patient outcomes. In a future role, I will be responsible for using data to identify trends, predict patient needs, and optimize care plans. Proficiency in data management also ensures that I can contribute to the development of healthcare policies and procedures that are informed by accurate and comprehensive data analysis.
  2. Ethical Decision-Making in Informatics: The ethical management of patient data is a core responsibility for any healthcare provider. With the increasing use of informatics in healthcare, the risk of data breaches and misuse of patient information has also grown. As an APN, I will need to navigate complex ethical dilemmas related to patient privacy and the use of technology in care delivery. Competency in this area ensures that I can make informed decisions that protect patient confidentiality and uphold the highest standards of ethical practice.

These competencies not only prepare me for the technical aspects of nursing informatics but also ensure that I am equipped to handle the ethical responsibilities that come with the role.

Achieved Competencies in the Course

Throughout this course, I have achieved significant progress in two key competencies: clinical decision support systems (CDSS) and patient data confidentiality.

  1. Clinical Decision Support Systems (CDSS): One of the major areas of learning in this course has been the implementation and utilization of CDSS. These systems are essential for improving the quality and safety of patient care by providing healthcare professionals with data-driven insights that support clinical decision-making. My competency in using CDSS has grown as I’ve learned to integrate these tools into daily practice, ensuring that the decisions I make are informed by the most current and relevant data available.
  2. Patient Data Confidentiality: The importance of maintaining patient data confidentiality cannot be overstated. This course has equipped me with the knowledge to navigate the legal and ethical frameworks that govern patient information. I have developed a strong understanding of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) regulations and the implications of data breaches. This competency is crucial for ensuring that I can protect patient information and maintain trust in the patient-provider relationship.

The competencies gained in this course are foundational for my ongoing development as a healthcare professional. As I move forward in my career, these skills will allow me to contribute meaningfully to the improvement of healthcare delivery through the effective use of technology.

For further exploration of nursing informatics and to strengthen your competencies, explore the resources available at We offer detailed guides and support for nurses at all stages of their careers.


The Post-TANIC Self-Assessment has provided valuable insights into my growth in nursing informatics. Comparing my Week 2 and Week 7 assessments highlights the significant progress I’ve made in key areas such as data management and ethical decision-making. The competencies I have developed will be instrumental in my future role as an APN, allowing me to leverage technology effectively to improve patient care. Additionally, the course has helped me achieve critical competencies in using clinical decision support systems and maintaining patient data confidentiality, both of which are essential in today’s healthcare environment.

Nursing informatics is an ever-evolving field that requires continuous learning and adaptation. By building on the foundation laid in this course, I am confident in my ability to meet the challenges of my future role and contribute to the advancement of healthcare practices.


American Nurses Association. (2015). Nursing Informatics: Scope and Standards of Practice (2nd ed.). Silver Spring, MD: Author.