Reflection on Advanced Pharmacology for Care of the Family Chamberlain University College of Nursing NR 566-61827: Advanced Pharmacology for Care of the Family 



As I reflect on my experiences throughout this Advanced Pharmacology course, I realize how it has profoundly shaped my personal and professional development. Over the past eight weeks, I have been methodically prepared to integrate the competencies required in my MSN educational journey. The foundational elements of the MSN program outcomes, MSN Essentials, and the National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties (NONPF) core competencies have served as a guiding framework in my pursuit of excellence. This reflection delves into how these competencies were achieved throughout the course, providing specific examples and exploring their significance in the context of advanced nursing practice.

MSN Program Outcome

One of the key outcomes of the MSN program is the ability to advocate for positive health outcomes through compassionate, evidence-based, and collaborative advanced nursing practice (Chamberlain College of Nursing, 2020). This outcome was particularly emphasized during the first three weeks of the course, where we engaged in discussions about appropriate pharmacological treatments and medications tailored to individual patient presentations and specific patient factors. This was further reinforced by the case studies presented in week 6, which provided an opportunity to apply theoretical knowledge to practical scenarios.

In these discussions and case studies, I learned the importance of considering various patient factors, such as age, gender, comorbidities, and socio-economic status, when selecting the most effective drug for a particular diagnosis. This approach is crucial in ensuring that treatment plans are not only evidence-based but also individualized to meet the unique needs of each patient. According to Neal-Boylan (2020), listening is a critical aspect of compassionate care, and taking the time to understand a patient’s concerns and preferences can significantly impact the treatment’s success.

Moreover, advocating for positive health outcomes requires a deep sense of compassion, particularly when working with vulnerable populations such as children, pregnant women, and the elderly. These groups often face additional challenges in accessing healthcare, and as advanced practice nurses, it is our responsibility to ensure that their voices are heard and their needs are met. The current healthcare delivery system is increasingly focused on metrics and revenue, which can sometimes overshadow the importance of caring relationships (O’Grady, 2020). This course has reinforced the importance of balancing these demands with a commitment to compassionate care, which is the cornerstone of nursing practice.

MSN Essential

The MSN Essentials provide a comprehensive framework for advanced nursing practice, encompassing a broad range of competencies that are essential for effective and ethical care. One of the core essentials is the ability to integrate scientific findings from nursing, biopsychosocial fields, genetics, public health, quality improvement, and organizational sciences for the continual improvement of nursing care across diverse settings (American Association of Colleges of Nursing, 2011). This essential was particularly relevant in the context of pharmacology, where we explored the latest evidence-based guidelines and research to inform our practice.

For instance, during the course, I had the opportunity to review the latest clinical practice guidelines for managing chronic conditions such as hypertension and diabetes. These guidelines are based on rigorous research and provide a roadmap for selecting the most appropriate pharmacological interventions. By integrating this knowledge into my practice, I am better equipped to provide high-quality care that is both effective and patient-centered. Moreover, understanding the underlying scientific principles behind drug actions and interactions has enhanced my ability to anticipate potential side effects and make informed decisions about treatment adjustments.

Furthermore, the MSN Essentials emphasize the importance of leadership in the healthcare setting. Throughout the course, I was encouraged to take on a leadership role in discussions and case studies, where I could apply my knowledge and skills to advocate for best practices in pharmacological management. This experience has strengthened my confidence in making clinical decisions and has prepared me to take on a more active role in shaping the future of healthcare.

NONPF Core Competencies

The NONPF core competencies are integral to the development of nurse practitioners, providing a foundation for safe, effective, and ethical practice. One of the competencies that stood out during this course was the emphasis on health delivery systems and the need to understand the complexities of healthcare environments to provide optimal care (National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties, 2017).

Throughout the course, I gained a deeper understanding of how health delivery systems impact pharmacological management, particularly in terms of accessibility and affordability of medications. For example, during the discussion on healthcare disparities, we explored how socio-economic factors can influence a patient’s ability to adhere to prescribed treatments. This competency has heightened my awareness of the need to consider these factors when developing treatment plans and has reinforced the importance of advocating for policies that promote equitable access to healthcare.

Additionally, the NONPF competencies highlight the importance of ethical decision-making in advanced practice. This was particularly relevant in the context of pharmacology, where decisions about drug therapy can have significant implications for patient outcomes. The course provided numerous opportunities to engage in ethical discussions, such as balancing the risks and benefits of certain medications and considering the ethical implications of prescribing controlled substances. These discussions have deepened my understanding of the ethical challenges in pharmacology and have equipped me with the tools to navigate these challenges in practice.

Personal and Professional Growth

As I reflect on my journey through this course, I am struck by how much I have grown both personally and professionally. The course has not only enhanced my pharmacological knowledge but has also strengthened my commitment to compassionate, evidence-based care. I have developed a deeper understanding of the complexities of pharmacological management and the importance of considering the whole patient when making treatment decisions. This holistic approach is essential in ensuring that care is not only effective but also aligned with the patient’s values and preferences.

Furthermore, this course has reinforced the importance of self-care and personal resiliency. The demands of advanced practice nursing can be overwhelming, and it is crucial to maintain a balance between professional responsibilities and personal well-being. As I move forward in my MSN journey, I am committed to continuing my practice of reflection and self-care, which are essential for sustaining a long and fulfilling career in nursing.


In conclusion, this Advanced Pharmacology course has been instrumental in preparing me for the challenges and opportunities of advanced nursing practice. The MSN program outcomes, MSN Essentials, and NONPF core competencies have provided a solid foundation for my professional growth, and I am confident that the knowledge and skills I have gained will serve me well in my future career. As I continue my MSN journey, I am committed to advocating for positive health outcomes through compassionate, evidence-based, and collaborative care, and to making a meaningful impact in the lives of the patients I serve.


American Association of Colleges of Nursing. (2011). The essentials of master’s education in nursing. Retrieved from