Sample Answer for UNV-103 Topic 6 DQ 1 GCU Based on your personal experience and conversations with your counselors, what happens if you do not pass a class? What are your financial responsibilities when you drop a class or fail a class? What do you have as a backup plan? 

UNV-103 Topic 6 DQ 1 GCU


If you drop or withdraw from classes, you may jeopardize future eligibility for student aid (including loans). If your enrollment drops below half-time, your financial aid awards may be adjusted, and the grace period repayment of loans will begin. Students may re-take a failed course and GCU will replace the failed course with the new grade (instead of blending the old and new grade). If don’t pass a class it will affect my GPA, which could risk my financial aid. It will end up on my college transcripts and hurt my chances of graduating. With my personal experience with failing classes was I had to retake the class and it cost more to retake the class than it did the first time. Also, you are only allowed three times to take the course or a different course within that same section. The financial responsibility would be having to pay back your class because you would be on academic probation and some of your financial aid would be taken away. The most thing for a backup plan is to save money or ask for a financial plan to help pay for classes and being able to finish school. I do not want to retake this class so i pray i pass

Sample Answer 2

I have learned from personal experience and from my discussions with my counselor, that if you do not pass a course you may need to retake the class to meet your academic requirements which could delay graduation. Your GPA could be impacted which might affect your academic standing and certain scholarships or programs. There are also some financial aid options that may require maintaining a minimum GPA so failing could threaten that aid. If you decide you want to drop/add a class within the allowed time frame, you might not be financially responsible for paying the full cost of the course. Despite this, dropping a class after that period may mean your still responsible for paying it and might have to pay for future classes.  For a back up plan, you can seek academic support through tutoring, study groups or meeting with your professor to get extra help. If you need to retake a class, you can consider take it during the summer or online to stay on track. It also helps to meet with you advisor regularly to make sure you are on the right path toward graduation, even if there are obstacles.