Tag: NR603 Week 4 iHuman Cardiopulmonary Case Study Summary Patient Information: Initials: C.B. Age: 70 years old Race: Caucasian Sex: Female Medical History: Hypertension
NR603 Week 4 iHuman Cardiopulmonary Case Study Summary Patient Information: Initials: C.B. Age: 70 years old Race: Caucasian Sex: Female Medical History: Hypertension, 26-year history of smoking (1 pack per day)
Chief Complaint: The patient presents with worsening shortness of breath (SOB) over several years, which is now progressively worsening, particularly with exertion. The patient also reports some swelling in her feet and ankles, along with fatigue. Subjective Data: Shortness of Breath: Worse with exertion, improves with rest. Swelling: Reports bilateral lower extremity swelling (feet and…