Sample Answer 2
After reading chapter 2 of the University Success Guide, I believe all of the competencies relate to the GCU Mission. All of the competencies are a building block for each other, they help you in becoming a well rounded person who understands what it takes to be an obedient child of God.
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The General Education Competencies will help me be successful in numerous ways. Critical Thinking will be crucial with the way I communicate and how I lead; if I do not think sensibly about how I do communicate or how I lead, then I will not be successful with accomplishing my goals or achieve what God expects from me. Global Awareness, Perspectives and ethics are important to my success because I will need to understand what is going on in the world to know how to adjust to changes. Ethics should be the cornerstone of everyone’s existence because it is what God expects from us. As Christians, we should know where help is needed most in the world. Overall, all of the competencies will make me a better person and help me grow professionally and spiritually.